Part 14

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*At Jackie lesson*

Jackie: *runs in* sorry I'm late

Elisa: *looks at her* to much fun with Elis *smirks and sips her tea* the mark on your neck says it all

Jackie: *blushes and cover the mark with her hand*

Elisa: *sighs and throws a scarf around her* that's the best way to hide it a lady should never get a noticeable mark before a interaction with another person other than there partner

Jackie: *nods* but I think I can just do this *braid her hair to the side and covers the mark*

Jackie: *takes off the scarf* Scarfs are too hot

Elisa: *rolls eyes* anyway shall we begin?

Jackie: *nods*

Elisa: to be a lady you must learn the history of the lady *sits her down and goes to chalk board* it all started with lady laditon *continues to talk


Jackie: *asleep on the desk*

Elisa: *sighs* I guess that's enough for today *looks at the window* oh wow it's almost night

Jackie: *wakes up* Queen Elizabeth! Oh hi Elisa is the lesson over?

Elisa: *sighs* yeah and here *give her a present*

Jackie: *opens it and takes out a wedding dress*

Elisa: I thought it suited *smiles* I stitched on the snowflakes at the bottom. I thought it would be a nice touch

Jackie: *hugs her* thanks *smiles* Oh I should give you something! Um... um... oh I got it! *uses the ice and frost to create a necklace* Merry Christmas *smiles*

Elisa: *smiles* thank you Merry Christmas. So what did you get Elis and what did he get you?

Jackie: He hasn't given me a present yet and I need to make his still. I wasn't planning on visitors.

Elisa: *laughs* oh well I already gave him mine

Elisa: and he gave me his in return

Elisa: I tend to plan ahead so I was prepared

Jackie: well considering it is Halloween *shivers thinking about the Halloween spirit* I wasn't exactly planning on gifts no one is ever here this time of year

Elisa: I actually planned yours and Elis's gift back in June 😅

Jackie: *smiles* thanks

Elisa: no problem *smiles*

Jackie: *touches the drool on the desk and turns it to ice* Woah! That's a first XD

Jackie: Do I really drool that much in my sleep?

Elisa: I guess

Elisa: it's frozen solid one also ladies don't fall asleep when someone is talking -_-

Jackie: You were talking about boring stuff which I've seen in real life before.

Jackie: Lizzy was such a cute little girl XD

Jackie: You forget how old I really am

Elisa: *rolls eyes* doesn't mean you can't be taught in HOW they became lady's

Elisa: but anyway *shuts book* that ends today's lessons

Jackie: *sees Lucas and smirks* Yo Lucas! *makes one of her magic snowballs* Have fun! *throws it at him*

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