Part 6

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Francis: *crying in his sleep* Help please help Arthur please help

Arthur:*hold his hand* shh I'm here Francis

Francis: please stop the torture. s-stop the fire

Arthur: the fires gone Francis it's alright now

Mason: *hops in with Meg*


Mason: Captain and the dark one happened

Mason: *sits on a bed*

Meg: *lays Mason on the bed* lay down

Arthur: this poor nurse is dealing with so much *sighs* but I found Francis so *smiles and runs fingers through Francis hair* I'm happy

Mason: *smiles* grandpapa

Francis: *shaking* Arthur help

Arthur: I'm right here *smiles* I won't leave your side anymore *holds Francis hand in both of his and kisses it*

Arthur: I promise

Francis: *stops shaking*

Arthur: *smiles*

Mason: When is he suppose to wake up?

Arthur: not sure...

Nurse and Meg are talking, nurse hands her something*

Meg: Mason I got the medicine *pulls out lip bomb and puts it on and kisses the injury and it heals up*

Mason: Thanks *steps on it and winces* I'm going to need crutches am I?

Meg: yup and you getting bunny treatment when you off them actually it'll be captain here *hand him crutches and smiles*

Mason: *sighs* of course he is *takes it* thanks

Francis: Ar *coughs* Arthur

England: Francis?!

Francis: *goes silent but otherwise is healthy*

Arthur: *smiles* I'm so glad you're alright *kisses forehead*

Francis: *wakes up and smiles at Arthur*

Arthur: *hugs him lightly*

Francis: *hugs back and tries to speak but fails*

Arthur: we can talk after you get your strength back *lets go and smiles* goodness I miss you *runs hand through Francis hair*

Meg: *whispers* let leave them alone

Mason: *hops out*

Francis: *mouths* I was so scared

Arthur: it's ok now I promise I won't leave your side

Francis: *cries silently into his shoulder then mouths* H-He burned my throat so I couldn't scream

Arthur: who?

Francis: *eyes fill with fright*

Arthur: sh it's ok you don't have to tell me hmm *gets up and looks through the nurses stuff finds a bottle* ah ha! *sits back down* Francis I have potion that will help with your throat b-but you have to close your eyes *blushes*

Francis: *tilts his head*

Arthur: c-close your eyes damn it! *blushing super red*

Francis: *does so*

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