Chapter Five

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  • Dedicated to Truth

Day Five - 11.7.11 (AUS dates & times).

I glanced up from my computer screen, looking at the start of the avocado farm ahead. Nothing looked out of place, nothing black and white to report. I sighed, I hadn’t seen Truth yesterday and I kind of missed him. 

I got up and walked outside, taking a thorough look at the long bush at the start of the farm- and thats when I saw him. I saw him walking through them, his black and white coat half hidden by the bushes, pot plants and small gate. A smile as wide as Saturn’s ring went across my face as I stepped off of the small balcony like thing and walked towards him, whispering his name a few times. 

He emerged from the bushes and started towards me. Perfect timing, literally perfect. 

I felt the urge to walk towards him as well, and meet him halfway, so I did. As I came closer, he suddenly stopped and looked at me with his one, beautiful eye. I smiled, “Its okay Truth” I said, a little louder then before. He lowered his head as his sleek black tail rose, and started walking again. 

He was an inch away from my feet when I lowered my hand, letting him sniff it. I patted him on the head gently and turned, walking towards the house, I looked back to see him slowly following him, as if he had the whole day. “Come on” I said, not in a harsh way, but a way that actually made him pick his pace up.

He lapped up lots of water, I really am thinking that he doesn’t have much at his home, but who am I to judge? He might just be out on a long walk, and taking a quick turn on his journey to my house might be a good idea to him. 

I snapped a few photo’s for his photo diary on deviantart, then I followed him as he was leaving. “I’ll walk you home” I said, he stopped and watched me as I walked through the garden, and out onto the yard. He followed quickly, and we rounded the hedge together and headed towards the fence line. 

He started slowing as he got on the concrete of the driveway, so I picked him up gently and walked. I kneeled down as I let him climb out of my grip, normally he would scratch me but he was gentle as he stepped off of me. I walked up to the fence and waited for him to go through it, he stopped and looked at a garden for a few minutes while I kept shifting my weight, fourteen years of patience stamped on my face, though he had so much more. He walked through the fence (a barb-wired fence with large, barb-wired-less squares at the bottom) and stopped at the other end, not bothering to look behind him.

That's when we went our separate ways for the day.

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