New Region

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Jacqueline's Pov:

We went in to the cafe. "Crystal can I see what Pokémons you have caught?" I asked curiously. "Sure!" She said grabbing 3 pokeballs. "Alright you three come out with pride!" She said as the Pokémons came out of their pokeball. "Wow your Fennekin evolved in to a Braixen!" I gasped. "Yup." She smiled. "I'm guessing Professor Sycamore let you pick 1 of 3 of starters right?" I looked at Squirtle. "Hehe yeah." Crystal nodded when Serena answered. "Squirt?" Squirtle looked at me. "Hi there!" I said kindly to it. It nuzzled my hand. "Aww it likes you." Calem smirked. "Alright Squirtle return." Crystal said letting Squirtle back in to its pokeball. "Alright last but not least Tyrunt." She smiled. "Ohh I got that too!" I giggled. "Tyru?"it cocked its head at me. "Hi." I smiled at it. "Tyru!" It sniffed my hand. "Come on Tyrunt you should get some rest before we head to the gym." Crystal rubbed Tyrunt's head. "I have faith in you guys." I hugged Crystal. "Hehe I could say the same. She smirked as she eyed me and Calem. "W-what?! No stop!" I glared at her. Calem sweat dropped. "Good luck on your journey." Calem ruffled Serena's hair. "Aak! My hair!" She hissed. Serena fixed her hair and looked at the map. Which reminds me I have something planned. "Calem after they leave, do you want to come with me to another region?" I asked. "Does your mom know about this?" "Er sort of..." I answered. The 3 girls looked at us. "Jackie and Calem were gonna go train our pokemons a bit more and then head for the gym." Crystal said as the other 2 nodded. "I'll miss you." I hugged Crystal tightly. "Agh! Your ch.oking mee..." She coughed. "Oops sorry." I said with a sad expression. "I'll miss you too." She hugged me back. I looked over at Calem, he was doing the same with Serena. "Well good luck and have fun." I sighed with a small smile. She nodded and signaled the other 2 to follow her. "They grow up so fast!" I wiped a tear away. "Yeah." He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Let's go to the new region!" I shout whispered to Calem. He nodded and go on his bike.

~Couple of mins of bike riding~

I got off my bike and ran straight inside. "Hi honey how's it going?" My mom asked turning her head to head look at me. "I'm fine and can Calem and I go to a new region?" I asked. "Well I don't know.." My mother answered. "Please!" I begged. "Ok only if Calem's mother says it's ok." She smiled. "Woot!" I cheered. "Haha go check on Calem then." My mom swished her hands signaling me to go. "Ok." I ran out the door and knocked on Calem's door. "Oh hello!" Smiled Calem's mother. "Hi did Calem ask you if he could go to another region with me?" I asked politely. "Yes, I'm fine with him going as long as your mother says it's fine." She smiled. "Wow that's what my mom said." I giggled. "Hehe so I guess I should tell Calem to go pack, and you should do the same." She nodded. "Alright see ya." I waved as I ran back home. "Mom she said he can go so I'm gonna pack now!" I hollered running up stairs.

~After packin~

Alright I believe I have everything I need. The door bell rang. "Jackie Calem's here!" My mom shouted. "Ok be there in a sec!" I shouted back. I looked at my pokemons. Might as well bring them just in case. I placed them in my bag. I hurried down the stairs. "Are you ready?" Calem smirked. "Hehe you bet!" I squealed. "Have fun you two." My mom hugged me and Calem. "We will." I answered. "Oh and also make sure to take care of yourselves ok?" My mother said lovingly. "We most definitely will." Calem answered opening the door. I walked out the door, looking back at my mom waving to her. "See you soon." I shouted as we got on our bikes and peddled away. "Alright let's go to lumiose city so we can get a ticket." Calem said. "Mk." I answered.

~reaching lumiose city~

"Let's go to the Kanto region. I know someone there!" I smiled. Calem glanced at me. "Is it a guy?" He asked a tad bit jealous. "Hehe no. It's a girl." I said amused. "Oh ok." He looked at me relieved. We looked at the prices. "Hm they look expensive." Calem muttered. "Don't worry I can pay for them after all I'm the Pokémon champion." I said with confidence.

We heard squealing. "Omg it's Calem and Jackie!!" "Huh?" I glanced at the squealing girls confused. "You said your the champion here right?" One girl asked me. " "Mhm." I chuckled. "Can I get your autograph and Calem must be your boyfriend right?!" The two girls squealed. I glanced at Calem he sweat dropped. "I autographed what they wanted me to sign. "Thanks we hope to be just like you guys!" The two girls looked at each other with a spark in their eye. I couldn't help but ask. "Are you guys together?" "Uh... N-No..." Answered one girl. "..." The other girl stayed silent looking at her feet. I sighed, "Don't worry I'm not that kind of person that hates on that kind of relationship." I smiled at them reassuringly. "Ok yes we are in a relationship." The girl that kept quiet spoke up.  I glanced at Calem, he seemed unsure if to accept it or deny it. "Calem what do yo think about this?" I asked narrowing my eyes. "I don't really like it but I still supported it." He answered.  The girls intertwined hands and walked up to me. "Bye!" They shouted then ran away.

"Aww cute!" I fangirled. "Don't tell me I have to become a girl to be with you." Calem smirked. "Oh yes I like girls now." I played along. "Oh I see, well then I will have to change your mind.." He smirked kissing me on the cheek. "Hehe let's just go to Kanto." I stifled a laugh. We ran up to ticket buying machine. "Alright do you want to go first class?" I asked Calem as we looked for the earliest flight. "Yeah sure!" He grinned. We found an aircraft that's gonna fly in 1 hour to Kanto. "Oh thank god there's only two spots left for this flight." I sighed relieved. Calem gasped at the price. "That's a lot!" He shook his head. "I have 999,999,999 dollars in my pocket. I can pay for you." I said grabbing out my money and putting it in the machine. "Thanks Jackie." He hugged from behind. Luckily our seats are together so we won't be separated.

"Alright the flight will take at least 4-5 hours so let's go to our boarding area and relax." I said entering the check in area.

~after getting everything checked in~

We sat down. "We still have 30 minutes before we board so do you want to go buy somethings?" Calem asked being the gentleman he is. "Nah I'm don't need anything at the moment." I chuckled.

Calem's Pov:

I glanced at the bathroom. "Jackie I'll be right back I got to go use the restroom." I said now realizing how badly I had to use it. "Hehe ok." She giggled.

I walked over to the bathroom.

-after using the bathroom cuz I can :p-

"Oh I can't wait to see my friend."  Jackie said while her eyes sparkled. "What's her name?" I asked sitting down. "Her names Aichi." She answered with a smile. "Oh cool." I yawned. "Aww Calem's is tired." Jackie teased. "Yeah.. Wake me up when we are boarding.

-25ish mins later-

I felt some one prod me awake. "Wake up Calem! Said a voice. "I groaned as trying to sleep. "Just 5 more min mom.." I said tiredly. "Mom?! I'm not mom!" Scolded the voice. "Ugh fine." I muttered rubbing my eyes. I blinked my eyes a couple of times before looking at Jackie. "So Calem dear how are you feeling? Mommy will make you feel better." Jackie teased. (Guys don't think wrong :p) "Uh can we just pretend that didn't happen?" I rubbed my neck. "Hehe let's go it's time to start boarding." She giggled getting her backpack.

"Let's get on the plane."

Done don't want to write more for this. Cuz the next chapter it will have a new character aka _Red____ . My friend wanted to be in the story hehe. Anyways it's been a while since I wrote this so eh oh well . See you all in the next chapter bye!~LadyPoodle

My Homie , lover , and friend. Jalem (JacquelinexCalem) pokemon x and yWhere stories live. Discover now