Hang out

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Jacqueline's POV:
"Bye." I say as my sister,Serena,and Laila start to walk away. Crystal glanced at me with sad eyes and ran toward me. "I'll miss u Jacqueline."whined Crystal. I saw Serena and Calem hug as well. "I will miss u too." I replied. A tear rolled down Crystal's face before she turned away and started to walk away with Serena and Laila. I sigh and Calem puts his hand on my shoulder and ressuringly. I glance at the group as they grow smaller in the distance and look at Calem with a small smile."Well ready to call Shauna,Trevor,and Tierno?" I ask Calem "Oh yeah." he replied with a smirk. I giggle and pull out my phone.i call all 3 of them since we're in a group chat. "Hello?"replied a voice "ello?" replied another "What huh??" replied the last. I laugh at Shauna for a silly reply as always."Oh hai Jackie !" answered Shauna "Hey Jackie." replied Trevor and Tierno."Hey guys want to hang out with me and Calem?" I asked them. "OF COURSE!" replied Shauna "Sure." replied the other 2. "Ok meet us at my house then k?" I ask "Ok" they all answer and hang up. I put my phone in my bag as I look at Calem. He smiled and asked in a gentlemen way "Shall we head to ur house milady." "We shall my fellow friend." I replied as we both walk to my house hand in hand because of the wager. We get to my house seeing Shauna,Trevor,and Tierno waiting. "H-"paused Shauna as she saw us holding hands."Uh y r u guys holding hands!?!?" anger flared in Shauna's eyes "It's because of a wager my sister and Serena did so don't worry it will end tomorrow." I reply as I saw jealousy in Shauna's face. Calem winked at me and said "She is mine for the day lady and gentlemens." He hugs me as I look away a bit embarrassed. Shauna glared at us and put on a fake smile trying to sound cheerful "lets go inside!."

Calem's POV:
I wink at Jackie making Shauna even madder and say "She is mine for the day Lady and Gentlemens." I hug Jackie. She looks away from me looking embarrassed . I heard Shauna hold her anger with a fake smile and said "Lets go inside.". We walk in after her and see Jackie's mom cooking dinner. She look over at us and smiled asking "Well r u guys gonna join me and Jackie for dinner? Oh and Calem ur mom said u'll be joining us for dinner." Shauna anger turned into shockness and said "I can't." "Uh our moms would probably worry about so no thanks." replied Tierno while Trevor nodded. We go up to Jackie's room and start talking about loads of things."Ok who wants to play a game?" Jackie asked. "mk I'm up for it." I replied "Sure" replied the rest. "Ok how about we do some battles or hide n seek or Simon says or truth or dare." Jackie asked with no hesitation.Everyone stared at her for a moment and thought of what they should play. "I suggest we play hide n seek." I say "Me too!" answered Shauna. "Me and Tierno don't care what we play." reasoned Trevor "Ok, hide n seek it is ." Sweet, I call not being it!" I called out. "Not it!" Jackie Trevor and Tierno all said at the same time. "Awwwww man y me???" whimpered Shauna. "Well ur it so count to 30 and come look for us ok?" i reassured her "Ok." looked at me with a sad small smile and a wink. I frowned at her and got closer to Jackie. I grabbed her hand and held it. Jackie and Shauna looked at me. Jackie kissed me on my cheek and went back to talking about where to hide when it starts, Shauna's face grew red with anger. I smirked at how red she was. "Ok let's start!" Jackie called out. "Ok" replied everyone. I held Jackie's hand and dashed off to find a good hiding place. "Woah, slow down what's up with u?" she asked as she giggled at me. "Well let's just say I kind of want to hide here with u since u r my girlfriend" I smiled in a cute way. "I know that but it's only for a day u know." she smirked I suddenly felt myself move towards her. She looked at me confused and scared. I put my hand under her chin and smirked "U afraid." I said in a creepy way,her face was turning pink but she replied confidently "Not one bit." her sweet brown eyes stare at me innocently but with love. I looked around and then looked back at Jackie. I pulled her in for a hug. She looked up at me and that's when I kissed her straight on. I had my eyes closed so I couldn't tell if Jackie was surprised. But surprisingly she didn't pull away from the kiss. We kissed for a couple of more mins when Jackie pulled away and asked "Where r we?" "We r in my secret hide out." I said "Ohh, that explains y u have so many cool rare things around."she exclaimed. She turned around and looked at me her head was tilted a little as if she were a puppy. I walked over to her and patted her head with my hand. She removed my hand from her head held it and looked at me. "look I-I-I might have had a crush on u since the journey and when my sister did that wager I was kind of afraid u were gonna be like"fuck dat" but u didn't." she said. "Jackie I also liked u ever since we met. We were young kids and I some how really like ur company so I liked u ever since." I told her "But I was afraid u didn't feel the same way and I was embarrassed." Jackie sighed and confessed "I love u for reals." "I love u too Jackie." I answered and hugged her. We held hand and walked out of my hide out. We see our friends on Jackie 's front lawn talking. "WHERE WERE U GUYS?!?!?!" Shauna's green eyes flashed with fear as she asked "We got lost and couldn't find our way back." I replied with a lie. Shauna didn't look convinced but said "I have to go now my mom called its time to go so BAIII!" and ran off. "We could've played more but since u guys were lost for like an hour we got bored." Trevor grumpily remarked "well we will leave too now bye." Tierno said and walked off with Trevor. I looked at Jackie and pulled her in for a kiss. We both pulled away after a couple of good mins and walked in to Jackie's house.

My Homie , lover , and friend. Jalem (JacquelinexCalem) pokemon x and yWhere stories live. Discover now