Chapter 5 Betrayal Adam

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I awoke in a grimy, filthy room, and two Guards are in front of the bars. I still feel light-headed from that anesthetic they gave me. I walk over to them, and ask "Where am I?" My throat felt dry.

The one in Kevlar armor replied "Why do you need to know, punk?"

But before I could say anything the other one said "Shut up Hugh, the Overlord is coming." With that they stood up straight looking like statues. After he said that I wondered who the heck is the overlord? Then, a dark presence that radiated death and evil itself stopped at my door.

It commanded "Open this door now."

The one called Hugh replied "Yes, you're Majesty." And with that he opened the door with a key. Maybe, just maybe I could steal that key from Hugh, but then the other one blocked my path.

The Overlord said "Bring him with me." Then right as soon he was about to hand-cuff me I made a run for it. Hugh blocked my exit. However, I slid under him, and took off running. They can't catch me under all that armor, but if they take it off that's a different story. I looked back to see them recover. The Overlord commanded, "What are you doing standing there, get him. Remember, keep him alive. If he's dead I'll take your heads."

I ran up a pair of stairs just to reach two doors. I could hear them in pursuit. So, I chose the door on my right. I opened the door then I locked it right on them. I made the wrong choice, because I ran out of ground, yet I found the armory. All I found were swords, spears, and other miscellaneous medieval weapons. I found the sword I had at Camp Gorgon, and put it into its sheath. I asked "How did this get here?" But there was no time to think, because I heard them ramming the door. I put the sword in my belt loop, and grabbed a rock. Then, I threw it at a window. It shattered easily. Now, I looked back at the door, and saw them almost through the door. So, I jumped through the window hoping to make it onto a roof.

Right as soon as I realized I was not going to make it, I grabbed onto a railing. My arms felt like they were going to be pulled out of my sockets. I pulled up with all my strength. However, I fell, and managed to land onto a roof with my whole body aching. I found a ladder, but I stopped, and looked down, and saw guards waiting for me. I couldn't take all of them. So, I ran on the rooftops. I saw multiple people pointing bows and arrows at me.

Then Hugh came into view with all the men and he exclaimed "Nice job, I am impressed! Now come on down, and stop the pointless running."

I replied "No one who kidnaps me is a good guy."

He grinned, and said "You dare disobey me, and your father's orders."

"Yes, yes I did." I replied. I saw an arrow fly towards me. I ducked, and the arrow missed. "Great," I said sarcastically. "Time to go!"

I took off, and looked ahead. No more rooftops. That's a bad sign. I decided to jump down, and make a run to a house made of quartz with beautiful pillars, and an iron fence. I see my "friends" catching up with me. Two guards were blocking the fence. I tackled one then quickly got up, and ran into the house.

I hid behind a wall and the guards run right pass me. Hugh orders, "Find him! He has to be around here somewhere." Then, the "It" came, and said, "He's behind the wall you idiots."

Now, I was cornered. So, I made an attempt to run, but I was shortly intercepted by Hugh. He said "Now, now, we don't want you to leave the party just yet."

I quickly pulled my sword out of her sheath. The overlord said "Hugh! Don't you dare!" He raised his hand, and said, "I am just getting this boy ready."

Ready for what I wonder. Hugh pulled out his broadsword, and stated "This will be fun." Hugh pulled down his mask.

"Let's dance, Hugh." I challenge. I run up to him, and he swings his sword at a quick speed. I narrowly dodged his swing. I slash at him, and he deflected my sword without even trying. He laughs, "Is that all you've got? Pathetic." This time I take defense. He swings, and I roll to the side. Meanwhile I slice at his chest and the sword hits, but it's a minor wound. He rebounds, so I sidestep. He barely misses me. I found an opening, and I stabbed him in the stomach. I pulled my sword out from his stomach, pushed him to the ground, and ran. I put my sword into her sheath, and I ran down a hallway and never looked back.

At the end of the hallway there were two doors. I stopped, and walked through the door on my right. It was then that I realized that they weren't coming after me. I was on high alert, and I thought I was ready for anything when I heard footsteps down the hall. I looked around the room for a place to hide. It was a small room, not much bigger than my small bedroom at home. The room was empty except for the four walls, so I pressed myself against the wall behind the door.

Two figures walked in, the Overlord, and a female that appeared to be about my age. Somehow they didn't see me. They were arguing about something. The female spoke, "My lord he will not survive here. He is not..."

The Overlord interrupted "He will survive just fine!"

"But Sir..."

"Silence! You are in my service and you will do what you are told! The boy is my son, and as of now he is in your care..."

"As you wish, my lord." The female bowed and left the room.

His what!? If I'm his son, then... Oh boy this is not good. The Overlord spoke, "You thought you could run?"

I tried to answer, but I was unable to open my mouth. "Don't just stand there, follow her!" He didn't have to tell me twice. I was out of the room, and down the hall before he could say anything more. Unfortunately the long hallway I came down was gone. I was in a circular room with doors on all sides. I chose a door directly in front of me, and ran down the next hallway.

This hallway was darker than the other hallway, so I couldn't see where I was going. Unfortunately this resulted in me hitting a wall with full force. "Ow!" I yelled "That's weird. Maybe there is a door somewhere." I moved my hand along the wall searching for a door. "This would be a lot easier if I could see what I was doing." I snapped my fingers, "Maybe there is..." I looked down and saw that my hand was on fire, but for some reason I did not feel any heat. "Whoa!" I exclaimed in amazement. With the light from my hand I searched the wall again, and found that I had not hit a wall, but rather the door! I thought, "Well that's embarrassing."

It was a huge wooden door with a wooden handle. I tried to turn the doorknob, but it was locked. I decided to burn the door down, so I set my flaming hand on the door, and the door went up in flames. The only problem was that the fire was spreading, and the whole hallway was ablaze. I had a brief moment of panic before I thought, "If I can start the flame, can't I stop it?"

I closed my eyes and focused on putting out the fire. When I opened my eyes everything was encased in ice. "AWESOME!!!!!!" I yelled. I walked through what was left of the doorway, and into another dark hallway. Frustrated at the sight of another dark hallway I yelled, "It would be nice if there was some lights in here!"

I lit my hand again, and looked around me. The hallway turned to the left about 20 feet in front of me, and there was a maze of twists and turns until I came to another doorway. This time the door was open.

I looked through the doorway and saw a very large circular room with torches all the way around the room. Finally some light! I thought. Even in the dim light I could make out a few objects in the room. There was a desk covered with papers near the door, and another door on the right side of the room. On the far side of the room was a table with a picture frame and a book on it. In front of the table was the girl from the other room.

I stepped into the room, and the girl turned around. "Adam?" She took off her hood...  

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