Chapter 3 The Flying Pony of Doom Mike

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When Sherry told me that lessons were moved I totally freaked out. First we have to fight in some "ritual" and now we have to deal with schedule changes! My whole left side still hurts from the ritual even with Rebecca's healing powers. Thanks Adam! Fortunately I am all right now. So naturally the first thing I did was tell Rebecca. That's where the problems started. The notice from Sherry that lessons were moved read: Lessons scheduled for 12:00 are postponed until further notice for reasons that will be discussed at tonight's cabin meeting scheduled for 8:30 pm. "8:30? That's in three hours." Rebecca observed. I looked at her and I could tell we were thinking exactly the same thing. "We need to find Sherry."

Rebecca and I raced through the streets of camp, and it was a miracle that we didn't get lost. We found Sherry putting up signs about tonight's meeting. "Hey guys, what's up?" Sherry said. "What's up!?" I shouted. (Probably louder than I should have) "We're right here Mike." Rebecca reminded me. "Oh right sorry." "Oh I get it- you guys are here about the notice I sent out." Sherry inferred.

"Yeah" I replied. "We need information," Rebecca added. "First of all, why were lessons moved?" I said angrily.

"That is top secret information that will be discussed at tonight's cabin meeting. You two as members of Cabin 21 are required to attend the meeting." Sherry snapped back. "For your information..." Before she could finish an army of what looked like skeletons marched in to camp. Sherry's voice went from that of an irritated cabin leader to a calm general ordering her troops into battle, "Mike, Rebecca catch!"

She threw me two swords: one long, and one short. Rebecca got an awesome bow with what looked like an unlimited supply of arrows. "Now run!!!" Sherry screamed. So we took off through the streets of camp, but unfortunately this time we got lost. We ended up in what looked like an older part of camp with creepy old wooden cabins. "This place looks like a ghost town," Rebecca stated." Not the most pleasant place to start a battle with skeletons." I remarked. "Shut up Mike." "Shutting up." "Did you see Sherry holding the weapons when we found her at the media board?" Rebecca asked. I replied "Nope, they just kind of appeared. Weirder yet they are exactly the right size for us."

"Uh... Mike!" Rebecca pointed to the hill we just ran down. Coming down that hill was the army of skeletons. I unsheathed my swords. Rebecca notched three arrows. "Mike, can you turn into one of those?" Rebecca asked. "I don't think so," I said trying not to lose my cool. "Ok then, what's plan B?" "Run?" I suggested. Rebecca replied, "Sounds good, only this time let's not get lost." Normally I might have laughed but this was serious. We started running behind the creepy cabins to stay away from the skeletons. I was faster than Rebecca, so I had to keep slowing down so she could keep up. I wasn't leaving her behind no matter what. After a while we reached what looked like it was an old version of the main road. This road was very rocky and it was hard to run on. Rebecca tripped and fell.

"Oh my gosh! Rebecca are you ok?" "I am fine," she replied. This huge sigh of relief came out of me. I pointed to a piece of paper lying on the ground next to Rebecca. "What's that?" "Oh how could I have been so stupid!" Rebecca replied. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "That is a map of camp. It must have fallen out of my pocket when I fell." She said "That's awesome! But how do we get back to Cabin 21?" I asked. "We take this road to a fork and we take a left onto the main road. Then we just keep going straight until we find it." Rebecca observed. "Then what are we waiting for!" I said confidently. "I'm waiting for you to help me up." She retorted "Oh right." I said feeling really stupid. I helped her up and we started running again.

When we got to Cabin 21 we found Troy, Adam, and Autumn waiting for us. "Well that was an adventure." I stated. "What was?" asked Troy. We told them our story, and as we finished Sherry walked in. "I am glad you all are safe. Troy, Adam, under your beds you will find a sword for each of you. Autumn you know the drill." Autumn nodded. Sherry continued, "Adam, hide. Everyone else: you are to protect him at all costs. I will not be here to help you because I have my own duties as Cabin Leader.

"Why is Adam hiding?" Troy asked. Sherry's response was, "We think that the skeletal troopers are after him. And they are not the least of your problems." She pointed to the hill where the troopers were. "All I see are the troopers." Adam said. Sherry replied, "Yes but what you're missing is the darkness that is beginning to surround them. Adam I suggest you take the back door and hide outside so your friends will have more space to fight."

We rushed out the back door, hiding Adam among us until we found a good place to hide him. We hid him in the center of the arena where there was a small building big enough for Adam to hide in. Troy and Autumn were on one side of the box and Rebecca and I were on the other. We stood back to back ready to fight. I had this crazy idea that if I could change my form into other creatures I could possibly change things around me. Sure enough it worked! I had just finished morphing the gates into steel walls when the first attack happened.

Unfortunately the steel walls broke pretty easily, and an army of skeletons rushed in and surrounded us. "This is not good!" I said having totally lost my cool. Rebecca put a hand on my shoulder and said, "It's Ok Mike. We're going to get through this." Instantly I felt better.

"Mike, I have a crazy idea!" Rebecca exclaimed. "Awesome!" I replied, "Crazy always works in the movies!" "Thanks, that makes me feel sooo much better about this idea." She said sarcastically. "Any time!" I replied. Rebecca started telling me about her idea and I could tell she was trying hard not to laugh. "Remember how I healed your wound in the ritual?" She asked. I replied, "Yeah, it was like some ghostly power." "Exactly!" she exclaimed "So maybe with that ghostly power I can control these things." "It's worth a shot." I answered. She closed her eyes and she appeared to be concentrating hard.

I had both swords drawn just in case. Suddenly a wave of light washed over the arena, and the skeletons vanished." "Whoa! That was awesome!" I yelled. Troy came to our side of the shelter where Adam was. "What just happened?!" Troy gawked. "I just banished the skeletons to the..." But Rebecca hadn't finished her sentence when we heard a scream from the other side. Troy and I rushed to the other side, and there on the other side of the shelter was not just Autumn, but a wave of darkness that was swirling like a tornado around Autumn. I yelled for Rebecca, hoping she might be able to get rid of it like she did to the skeletons.

She started concentrating again. "I can't do it Mike!" She screamed. "OK plan B." I tried to sound calm. Autumn was still screaming for help. "It's going to be OK. There's got to be another way to beat this thing," I said hoping it would help. The next thing we saw was Adam scrambling to get out of the shelter. He was yelling, "If this thing is after me maybe I am somehow connected to it, and that means that I might be able stop it!" "OK go for it!" Troy yelled. "Hey!" Adam yelled, the darkness stopped swirling, Autumn stopped screaming. "Yeah that's right, leave her alone!"

The darkness dropped Autumn. Troy caught her before she could hit the ground. "Nice catch!" I remarked. The darkness seemed to have "its" full attention on Adam now. Adam was still yelling at it, "Leave! And NEVER come back!" The darkness started moving away from us.

When the darkness was finally out of sight Autumn said, "Thank you Adam." 'You're welcome." Adam replied. Rebecca said, "Not to say that wasn't totally awesome, but I think that was more than you controlling the darkness. I also don't think I really got rid of the skeletons." Adam said, "You're probably right, but we need to get out of here." "And go where?" I asked. "Anywhere." Adam sounded scared. "As much as I don't like it, he's right." I agreed.

We ran out of the arena and onto the roads of camp. We were headed to the woods to hide there, but before we could get there a giant animal came out of the sky and snatched up Adam. The creature looked like a horse with wings, and talons. Troy and I slashed at it with swords while Rebecca and Autumn shot at it with arrows.

Adam was helpless, as his sword had fallen to the ground and there was nothing we could do to stop the creature. Finally, out of desperation I threw my swords at the animal. Both swords missed, and Adam was carried off.   

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