Chapter 6 Rebecca

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I ran down this dark hallway; actually, more like floated, when I came across this door. It was unlocked, so I walked right in. Inside was a bed, a little couch, a dresser and a desk. I was tired, so I thought that I would take a break and rest on the couch in the room. Just as I was about to sit down, BAM! A trapdoor in the floor opened, and I fell down a long tunnel. I should have known this was coming. Then, all of a sudden, elevator music starts playing. Great! Falling down a deep, dark tunnel is bad enough, but they have to make it worse by playing elevator music!? What did I do to deserve this!? I got sick of the elevator music, so I tuned it out, and played the Jeopardy theme song in my head instead. Before I could get to the end of the song, I fell into this cage. "Oof", I said. I looked down at my leg because it was throbbing like crazy, and I realized that I had broken it! "Ouch, ouch, ouch!" I exclaimed. I looked up to see where I was, and I realized that I wasn't in a cage, but a glass orb that was connected to a machine labelled PDD. I didn't know what that stood for, but I knew that it couldn't be good. I looked at the other side of the room and saw what looked like a computer, but much bigger, and had a giant screen with lots of buttons under it. I started to pound on the glass to try and break it so I could escape but it wouldn't budge. Still I kept pounding.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. It's unbreakable," said a deep, dark voice. I looked towards the spot that the voice was coming from, but there was nothing there. Then, a man stepped out of the shadows. He was wearing dark black pants, a grey T-shirt with a picture of a skull and bones on it, a black leather jacket, and leather boots.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Why, I am Uruboros! Lord of all evil and god of death! Even the great gods and goddesses cower before my evil awesomeness! Bow before me and my great power!" responded Uruboros.

When he said those words, the room shook, and I realized just how powerful he was, but I wasn't going to let him see my fear, so I said, "Riiight. Great power. Evil awesomeness. Pfff. Whatever."

"Are you afraid, Rebecca Hampton?" asked Uruboros.

I responded quickly, "No. And how do you know my name?"

"I should know all my children's names, shouldn't I?" answered Uruboros.

"Well yeah. I guess so." I said, "Wait What!?"

"You heard me. Rebecca, I am your father," said Uruboros.

This can't be happening! Of all the gods that there are, he had to be my dad!

"This is happening, and you should be proud to have a father as great as I!" said Uruboros.

"I will never be proud of a father who kills people, innocent people, for fun of it!" I shouted at him.

"I do not do it because it is fun; I do it because it is necessary."

"When did killing innocent people become necessary!?" I shouted.

"Ever since you and your little friends started your little quest to defeat me! Every demigod has their flaws, Rebecca. Yours is compassion. Join me, and no one will ever be able to defeat you! You can have everything you've ever dreamed of, and more! We could be unstoppable!"

"What about my friends? " I asked.

"What about them? One wrong move of yours, and they would be gone forever. You have great power inside of you. Learn to control it, and no one will get hurt. You are one of the most important demigods on this quest, which is why I have chosen you to be the sacrifice," Uruboros told me.

"What!?" I yelled. "Did I miss something during this whole conversation because nothing ever came up about a sacrifice until now."

"Well, duh! If I had said something earlier my whole plan would have been ruined. Why do you think you are trapped in my power draining device in the first place?" Uruboros asked me.

"Wait a second. Power Draining Device... PDD. You've trapped me in a Power Draining Device!"

"Yeah. That's what I just said. Are you even listening to what I'm saying? I thought you were smarter than this, but I guess I was wrong, and I'm never wrong," said Uruboros.

"Well you were wrong this time."

"What do you mean?" I was stalling so my friends could get here to rescue me! "Who's the smartest one of them all now?" I asked him.

"Still me," responded Uruboros. "I knew your friends would try to come rescue you, so I set a trap for them. Let me show you."

Uruboros turned on the big computer, and pushed some buttons and a picture of Mike and Troy came up. Mike! Troy! "Let them go!"

"Let me think about!" said Uruboros. "Now do you have any last words before I drain your powers and you die?"

I responded, "Yeah. I never knew who my mother was since I was abandoned when I was born. Do you happen to know who my mom was?"

"Actually, I do happen to know who your mother is," Uruboros said. "Her name is Wendreska, goddess of magic. She was a wonderful woman, before she joined the good side."

"Well at least I know one of my parents isn't a bad guy. And I just don't understand why Wendreska would have ever liked you. I mean you're evil for crying out loud!" I replied.

"It's because I wasn't evil back then. Now is that all you have to say, because it would be really nice if you could stop talking so I could just drain your powers already!" asked Uruboros.

"One more thing. Since you are a god, and Wendreska is a goddess, doesn't that make me a goddess too?" I asked.

Uruboros said, "Well, technically, yes. That does. But Wendreska and I decided to take away your immortality for your own good. To keep you safe."

"One more question" I told Uruboros. "Will this hurt?"

"Not at all," He replied. "For me!" Then he pushed the button. Getting the power drained out of you felt like a thousand tiny swords stabbing you continuously. There was no end to the pain. Uruboros cackled evilly. "Ahhhhhh!" I screamed. That's when I fell unconscious. 

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