Chapter Seventeen

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Jade woke up with her skin pressed against the blonde's and both of their hair in her face. She loved the contrast of their skin, dark against light and the feel of the softness and warmth under her body. She went to move when the grip around her waist tightened and a grumble from Perrie could be heard.

"Stay, cuddle." The blonde said moving the hair out of Jade's face and kissing her forehead.

"But I'm naked."

"Jade you've been naked all night." Perrie laughed. "You can't seriously be telling me that you're self conscious after what happened last night."

"No I mean, if we stay naked there's a possibility that we're not ever going to get out of this bed."

"We probably wouldn't even if we were fully clothed. Besides what's wrong with a round two or three or four?" The blonde said rolling the brunette over on to her back and hovering over her, using her hand as support so her weight wasn't fully on her. Perrie started to kiss Jade slowly before she got pushed on her back and the small girl got on top of her. They were just getting into the kiss when the buzzer for the gate sounded.

"Ugh." The younger girl said as Jade pulled away. "Leave it, it's probably just Leigh or Jess. They'd understand they've ignored us loads of times due to uh...previous engagements." She brushed her hand through the caramel locks and brought the older girl back to her lips again.

"No Jess and Leigh know the code and have keys." Jade said pulling away before their lips met. "They would have let themselves in, announced theirselves and be up here if we didn't respond within ten minutes."

"Well whoever it was they've probably gone away by now." Jade leant down to kiss her before the buzzer sounded again interupting them. The small girl got up and pulled on a pair of sweats and a top.

"Come on." The brunette said looking back at her girlfriend who had snuggled back into the duvet. "Oi." She said throwing a toy penguin at her.

Lights, music, and colour surrounded the four girls as they walked through the fairground, Jade and Perrie hand in hand. Zayn had decided to hire a funfair for Perrie's birthday like the 'good' boyfriend that he was. In Jade's opinion, he was just buying her love or he was guilty for doing something or rather someone. But for whatever reason the blonde bought it and Jade couldn't do anything about it or would be accused of being jealous. However the so called 'wonderful' boyfriend wasn't there yet which meant Jade had some time to just be with Perrie and the girls before she got whisked away for a million and one pictures. The girls went on the bumper cars first, Perrie and Jade in one car whilst Jesy and Leigh were in another, each going after each other. Jade hid into Perrie's side squealing as they bumped side on into Lesy's car. When they got off they decided to go get some candyfloss which was across the grounds. As they walked past the rollercoaster, Perrie felt a pair of hands go over her eyes and she squealed.

"Guess who?" A deep voice said causing Jade to roll her eyes because, of course, it was none other than Zayn Malik.

"Zayn!" The blonde exclaimed spinning around and kissing him, her hands firmly on his chest.

"Hey babe, how's your birthday?" He asked.

"It's brilliant, thank you so much."

"Anything for you." He said smuggly and noticed that Jade rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "So where you off to?"

"To get some candyfloss, are you coming?" The brunette girl looked down, knowing that now everything was going to be about Zerrie and that her fun was over.

"Nah, but I'd like to talk to Jade, if that's alright." The small girl's head shot up at this. "You go ahead."

"Ok." Perrie said cheerfully and walked off towards the candyfloss stool.

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