Chapter 12: Finding out

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Astrid's POV

I watched as my friends had fun, flying their dragons hundreds of feet up in the air. I let out a sigh as I furrowed my brows and patted the Deadly Nadder beside me. "I'm so sorry, girl."

Stormfly tilted her head curiously at me as she waited for me to continue. I sighed, moving my hand to scratch under her chin. "It's because of Ruffnut's rules we can't go flying anymore girl, you know how it is, right?"

Stormfly squawked, moving in closer to me as if she wanted to show her understanding. I smiled at the dragon as I rested my head against hers.

"Why, hello there." A familiar voice snapped me out the moment I was having with my dragon. I turned to face the one who had interrupted us with a sharp glare, which immediately softened as soon as I saw who was standing beside me.

"Sig, Hey." I said, more uncomfortable than annoyed. Ever since that morning after I had been hiking with my friends, I had just gotten more and more uncomfortable around Sig, mostly due to his endless flirting and suggestive nature. But could I be rude to him? No, because that could jeopardize Berk's chances of a successful alliance with the surrounding islands, and I just could not be the cause of that because I couldn't keep my temper in check.

Sig sat down in the grass beside me. And when I said beside me, I meant thighs touching beside me. "So, why aren't you up there with the others?"

I froze. It's not like I could tell an absolute stranger about my pregnancy when my own husband didn't know of it! I quickly scrambled together an excuse, but clearly not fast enough as Sig placed his hand way too high up on my thigh.

"Astrid, are you alright?" He squeezed my thigh as his hand inched closer to places it was most certainly not allowed to go.

I shot up from my sitting position, Stormfly clearly noticing my agitation as she protectively placed her spiked tail in between me and Sig as she sent him a sharp look. "Yes, I'm fine, I ... I just needed to take in the scenery, that's all! But I should get going now, see you later!"

Defying Ruffnut's strict rules, I hopped atop my dragon and took off at once. As soon as I was certain we were out of Sig's sight, I placed my arms around my stomach, which was twisting uncomfortably in my stomach, rendering me nauseous. At that point, I didn't know whether it was the baby or if it was the fact that I felt so horribly disgusted by Sig putting his hands on me.

I bent down on Stormfly, resting my head against the back of her neck as I wrapped my arms around it. Gods, did I need a good hug from my dragon. After a long embrace, I sat back up in the saddle, shuddering as I attempted to erase the memory of Sig's hand on my thigh.

"BOO!" A voice called out of the blue, taking me by so much by surprise that I jumped up in Stormfly's saddle, only to lose my grip and tumble off, which left me plummeting from the skies.

"Stormfly!" I cried out, hoping my dear dragon would catch me before I crashed into the sea. I glanced down, noticing the dark waves beneath and realized that might be my last moment. I set my sights back up and found Stormfly too far out of reach to get to me in time. I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impact.

But it never came. Instead I landed safely, and softly, into the strong arms of a masked man. It took me a minute to recognize him, but the second our eyes met, I knew exactly who he was. I wrapped my arms around the neck of my dear husband, clinging onto him for dear life as all other worries and troubles in my life momentarily faded away.

"And here I was thinking you hadn't even noticed I was gone." Hiccup chuckled as he opened the front of his helmet, revealing that wide grin I knew he had been hiding under there ever since he had seen me on Stormfly.

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