Chapter 19: In a heartbeat

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Hiccup's POV

"Uh, Hiccup? Where's Astrid?" Snotlout asked as I stormed into the Great Hall where the council had already gathered to celebrate what was supposed to be Astrid having returned to health.

Toothless was on my heel as I stormed over to my chair and slumped down into it, feeling completely defeated as I rested my elbows on the table and buried my face into my hands.

"Hiccup? Son? Are you alright?" My mother asked, concern etched into her face as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"He took her!" I snapped, startling everyone around the table including Toothless. "He poisoned her and then waved the cure in my face as he took her away!"

A cloud of confusion hung over the table.

"What? Hiccup, who took Astrid?" Fishlegs asked as I leaned towards the back of my chair, wrapping my hands around the armrests.

"Sigurd Jansson. That little snake poisoned Astrid, and then stole the cure as we were trying to find it and then he said that if I wanted my wife to live, I would have to hand her over to him." I took a deep breath as tears started welling in my eyes.

The twins shot up simultaneously from their seats and slammed their fists into the table, looks of pure rage etched into their faces. "What?! Why are we still sitting around here? We got some major butt to fry!"

I took a deep breath before letting out a sigh. "We ... we can't. I have no idea how long it will take for Astrid to return to normal, and if we try to free her while she's still weak ... well, let's just say that Sigurd will have the upper hand."

The twins sank to their seats, brows furrowed as their faces seemed to hang.

"Well, is there anything we can do?" Eret asked, gaining the attention of every member on the council.

Everyone watched as I met Eret's eyes and slowly shook my head. "I hate to say it but ... I-I don't think that there is anything we can do."

Astrid's POV

I rubbed my eyes as I awoke from what felt like a really long nap. I stretched my arms as I sat up in bed, only to realize that I was in fact, not in my own bed at all, nor in my own house.

I let my gaze wander around the small room I was in. Wooden walls surrounded me, along with a wooden floor that had a small bucket in the corner opposite of the one my bed had been pushed into. Not far away from the bucket was a wooden door with a small slit in the middle, which I assumed was for food.

As I got out of bed, I attempted to recall the events that had led me to where I was at that moment. The very last thing I could remember before waking up was Hiccup, his shoulders slumped and his emerald green eyes brimming with tears. But what had led me to that moment?

"My darling, I see you are awake!" A familiar voice called out as I heard the door open. I turned to find the grinning face of Sigurd Jansson who was eyeing me like I was some piece of meat. I shuddered as an uncomfortable feeling dwelled in my stomach. Then suddenly, it all came back to me.

"You kidnapped me!" I hissed, quickly switching my position into a fighting stance.

Sig didn't seem the least bit threatened by me as a hearty chuckle escaped him. "Kidnap you? I saved you! Both from an unloving marriage and from a deadly disease, it kind of seems like you owe me one."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Are you out of your mind?! I was incredibly happy with my husband, and now I would like you to release me so that I can go back to him!"

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