Chapter 15: Cheer Up

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Hiccup's POV

Two weeks had gone by since our baby had passed. We had held a small funeral for her, burying her remains far up in the mountains so she could get a taste of the freedom her mother and I loved so.

Astrid on the other hand, hadn't said a word to anyone since Ingrid's funeral. She had spent every day locked in our room, curled up in the bed as she stared blankly down at the sheets. I tried to get her to eat, but she would always shake her head and softly push it away before going back to her routine of just laying in bed. I recalled one day I came home a little earlier than usual and I heard sobs coming from the room. I had sneaked up the stairs to our room and found her with tears streaming down her face as she cradled her slowly deflating stomach. Never in my life had I seen anything even close to what she was going through.

I wrote on a stone tablet at the academy, trying to get my mind off Astrid's situation as I prepared for my next class. The twins, Snotlout and Fishlegs had joined me alongside their dragons, but they were unusually quiet as they just watched me do my work.

"How's Astrid, Hiccup?" Ruffnut asked after a while, brows furrowed in concern.

I stopped writing on the stone tablet and let my hand fall to my side. "I-, well, she hasn't gotten any better if that's what you're wondering."

"Still laid up in bed refusing to talk to everyone?" Snotlout asked, worry etched into his features.

I nodded as I plopped down on one of the benches that surrounded us. "Yeah, and I can barely get her to eat."

Tuffnut held his head in his hands for a second before it shot up, revealing a large grin as he beamed with confidence. "Guys, I think we should try to cheer Astrid up!"

I raised a brow at his idea. "How? She only leaves the house to go to the outhouse."

Tuffnut strode around the academy, gesticulating wildly as he spoke: "Well, that's why we've got to lure her out with the prospect of doing something she likes!"

Snotlout crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall. "And what do you suggest we do, Tuffnut?"

"Oh my gods, I've got it!" Ruffnut jumped up from her seat. "Fall Fest!"

We all raised a brow at Ruffnut in unison. "Fall Fest?"

"Yes!" Ruffnut exclaimed. "Astrid and I were talking about it when she was feeling sick at the start of the pregnancy! Delicious food, impressive weapons and axe throwing? Astrid is going to be over the moon!"

I took a second to taste Ruffnut's words, and the more I thought about her idea, the better it seemed. "You know what, Ruffnut? You're absolutely right! Fall fest is exactly what she needs right now! I'm going to go speak with the committee about not cancelling it after all, and then I'll be back to meet you all, alright?"

My friends gave me a thumbs up as I whistled for my dragon and climbed atop him. "And while I'm gone, please go find the decorations."


Some days later, everything was ready for the slightly delayed Fall Fest. Red, orange and yellow leaves had been hung all over the Great Hall and around the village, accompanied by hanging lanterns which gave the entire island an incredibly cozy feel.

Rows and rows of delicious foods had been scattered around three large tables, and just as we put the final touches on the decorations, the villagers began entering, all in awe at how good the Great Hall looked.

I placed my hands on my hips with a smile of satisfaction as my eyes wandered around the hall, which was looking better than it had any Fall Fest before. Astrid was going to love it.

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