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Dear Sage,

Hey. Hi.


Ms. Bixby's making us start our "in-class pen pal project" today.

You aren't in school today (which you know), but I decided to pick you as my pen pal (obviously) because like... Duh! Do I even need a reason why? No, I don't. So stop giving me those snide comments!

You know the reason why anyway. *winks slowly*

Okay that was actually kinda creepy. I like, winked through the paper... What the heck? Okay, I'm rambling now so I'll shut up! Woooo...

I'm bored, so I'm gonna write about other crap that's happened today that you've missed.

Gym class happened, and was complete hell as usual. We were playing floor hockey and our team was getting pummeled by the jocks (as per usual). The score was like, 26 to 5 or something and the jocks were getting all whopped up for some reason and one of them ran forward, shot the puck at about 50 miles per hour into the goal and screamed "REJEMPTION!" Before running over to chest bump his buddies.

I'm not sure why he was screaming or what it meant exactly as the word "REJEMPTION" is not in the English language. Oh the mysteries of life...

Um, Kade launched a Rubber BQ chicken patty at the wall today. It bounced off the wall, onto the floor and hit a lunch aide in the shin! It was hilarious, more so when Kade got dragged off to the principal's office!

That's honestly all I can think of right now! I'll probably think of more later and I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

I hope you come back soon (what are you, sick or some thin'?)! You seemed a little distant on Monday. I hope that things aren't getting any worse with your mom and dad. Life isn't as interesting without you!


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