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Noa found herself awake earlier than everyone else in the house, her body heavy as she forced herself out of her room and downstairs, the cross continent flight finally catching up to her. On her face, she wore a prominent frown, clad in a charcoal gray hoodie and black sweatpants she had found yesterday while she guessed how cold it was in the house, shivering at the possible temperature outside in comparison. After searching the cabinets for a few minutes, she managed to find tea, brewing a cup for herself while she sat in one of the dining room chairs, brown eyes glazed over as she took in the scenery outside of her new home. The peace and quiet was in stark contrast to last night, the girl still overwhelmed at the amount of people that had suddenly found their way into the Swan household all to comfort her uncle over his sister, her mother. She found only comfort in her bed after hours of crying, wishing she'd wake up and be back in her bed in Australia and find that this was all some long winded dream she would tell her mother about.

It wasn't too far off, considering she often had unusual dreams, her mind wandering to her dream journal and the entries she had written; dreams of wolves and spirits running through the forest, communing with the animals and the wind and the trees like some sort of fairy tale. She wished to have those dreams again, finding herself unable to enter a deep sleep and she knew she had bags underneath her eyes. This would be the second night sleep hadn't come easy to her, the second night without her mother. She wiped a stray tear and slowly sipped her cup of chamomile tea, jumping in fright when she found that she wasn't alone.

Charlie apologized, pausing for a moment to decide whether or not to question her further about her under eye bags and her tears. He decided against the latter, walking up to the countertop and starting the old coffee maker that sat up against the wall near the toaster. "Hey, about last night, I'm sorry. Look, if I would've known they were planning on all coming over and-"

Noa shook her head, offering him a smile to ease his nerves. "It's fine it's just, I'm not used to being around that many people, it was always just me and mom. I guess it just takes some getting used to is all; I'm gonna be around more people than that once I go to school anyways, right? No point in trying to avoid it," she said, though it seemed as though she was trying to convince herself rather than her uncle who watched her carefully while he poured himself a cup of coffee, drinking it straight black.

"Right, well..." he trailed off, pausing to take another long sip of the warm, bitter drink. "Still, I'm sorry." Noa only nodded, the man returning the gesture before they fell into silence again, staring off in different directions. A thought came into her mind suddenly and she shifted uncomfortably at it, "have you heard anything about mom? Like a funeral or, or anything?"

Charlie winced at the sound of desperation in his niece's voice, the girl biting her bottom lip anxiously as she waited for his answer to ignite some sort of hope within her. He sighed, shaking his head and watching as she slumped back into her seat in defeat, mumbling a small 'okay' before she dropped the subject. He took the seat beside her, setting his cup down on the worn wood table next to her own mug of tea that was almost finished. "We could have something here, if you'd like. Just a little ceremony, doesn't have to be too big it could just be us, a picture, and a candle."

 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 ☾ 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now