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it's a date

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Noa Swan had been in Forks for exactly two weeks. In that time, she had acquired a learners permit and Bella had been teaching her to drive, something she was quite awful at and refused most of the time. Charlie insisted that he and Bella help her practice, telling his niece she'd be much happier with a license and more access to Bella's car, which was only used for her to go to work and back. The idea didn't sound appealing to her at all, and the girl didn't bother hiding her relief when she finally pulled into the now-familiar driveway of the Swan home, noticing that an unfamiliar truck had been parked in front of the house. Bella noticed her confusion, "it's just the Clearwaters." Noa relaxed then, entering the house and greeting her uncle and Harry, pleased to know that it was only them and she didn't have to put up with her aunt Molly and her game of 'let's pinch your cheeks til they turn red'.

"How'd it go?" Charlie asked, lining up his fishing gear by the front door but pausing to spare his niece a worried glance. Harry chuckled to himself, his reddened cheeks pulled back taught as he joked, "hit any cars?" Charlie hid his laugh with a cough, nudging his old friend as his worry was swiped clean from his face, much to Noa's annoyance.

Noa scoffed at the two, "you said you wouldn't tell anyone; and it only happened twice, I swear." The men shared disbelieving looks before the two were out of the house, loading up Harry's car with their supplies, while Noa took the open seat in the kitchen, returning to her book she was forced to pause in order to partake in her 'mandatory' driving lessons. Bella had retreated to her room which meant she wasn't to be disturbed, something Noa quickly caught onto. She didn't know the parameters of a typical cousin-relationship so she didn't question it, aware of her cousin's depressed state.

Jacob called frequently, checking in on her whenever he could. With Bella unable to keep Noa the near constant company her uncle thought she needed, Charlie usually forced the two to hang out while he and Billy watched sports, though Noa didn't mind as Jacob was good company and he didn't seem bothered by her presence while he worked on his car. Charlie frowned upon reentry, sending a glance up the stairs to where Bella had ventured off to. The man sighed, leaning onto the staircase before peering over at his niece. "You sure you'll be good on your own here? I could drop you off over with Mitena and Tama if you want, or at the Clearwaters'...I'm sure Sue and the kids won't mind, right Harry?"

The man nodded, picking up the last of his things as he gave Noa a thin lipped smile. "Sue's been dying to see ya again but she doesn't want to push, and I'm sure Seth won't mind a girl round his age at the house," the man chuckled at that and Noa decided that she liked his without a care attitude; she smiled after the man as she watched him carry his belongings to his old truck. Charlie inquired further as the two were about ready to head out, "so, how bout it kid? You staying in or am I dropping you off somewhere?"

 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 ☾ 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now