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khalil gibran

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"Bella...Bella? Isabella," Noa gently attempted to rouse her cousin from her peaceful slumber. She felt awful for waking her, especially since it was the first night this week Bella hadn't been riddled with nightmares through the night and was finally able to catch up on some sleep. But, she had promised Seth and Sue that she'd be over before 10am to help him with his English assignment that was due in less than a month and she wouldn't be able to help the guilt that would possibly eat away at her insides if he failed due to her lack of help, despite her offering of said help on a silver platter with no gun to her head in order to do so; rather, a boy did and, she just wanted to see him again. She found herself smiling shyly to herself before she got the courage to shake Bella a bit more, the girl finally stirring under her purple duvet cover with a tired groan, no doubt questioning why she was being forced awake.

Noa sent her a meek smile, awkwardly waving as her cousin slowly opened her eyes as they adjusted to the light from the rising sun peaking through her single window in the corner. "Wha-what happened?" she managed to get out in between yawns, sitting up partially while blinking a few times, her eyes slowly opening up wider with every blink. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry," she began instinctively, backing up a few steps to give her some space. "Remember last night, when you said you'd drive me over to the Clearwater's so I could help Seth out with his winter assignment? I totally understand if you don't want to, I should've just waited until-"

Bella waved her off, sitting at the edge of her bed, her bare feet adjusting to the cold, hardwood floors beneath her. She stared off into nothingness for a moment before she seemed to come back to herself, glancing up at her younger cousin who stood in front of her, dressed in a cream colored sweater and light denim jeans that seemed a size too big with a belt to cinch the waist. Her hair had been done up, instead of her pin straight hair falling loosely down to her waist like normal, she had brushed it back into an intricate braid that sat perfectly still at her tailbone. Bella smiled tiredly at the sight. "No it's fine, I'll take you...wouldn't want you to miss your date," she reassured her slyly, chuckling to herself.

Noa blushed, averting her gaze quickly as she anxiously gnawed at her bottom lip. "Not a date," she mumbled, handing over a cup of tea she prepared for her, which Bella happily took. "Truck's already warmed up, I made a bit to eat if you want some." Bella shook her head no, as expected. She didn't eat much, which worried both her and Charlie, though Bella didn't seem to find her lack of an appetite too appalling. She finally stood, Noa stepping back to give her room to stretch and make her way over to the old armchair in the corner that she threw her overcoat on. Noa watched as she threw the large brown jacket over her pajama top, "you're not going to change?"

Bella simply smiled, taking another sip of her tea. "I'm just dropping you off, plus, I wouldn't want to cut into your date, you know?" Noa scoffed as they both exited the room, making their way down the steps with Noa repeating herself with less vigor, "not a date," to which Bella only laughed.

 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 ☾ 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now