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the winter solstice

"Do we have to do work?"

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"Do we have to do work?"

Noa shook her head with a smile, watching the boy she had grown quite fond of over the past few weeks stare at her with a frown that was so endearing she almost gave in. She was hoping he didn't catch onto the fact that she was smiling so much because of how close he was to her, his arm brushing up against her own every now and then, which wasn't an accident on his part as he'd been slowly moving closer and closer until their thighs were touching while they sat in front of the tv on the old green couch in the living room. "Yes, that's what I came here for. That's why I've been coming over here for the past week and a half Seth. We're almost done."

Seth tried to pretend that her words didn't hurt his feelings more than they actually did; he had hoped that by now, she would've grown tired of the assignment, as he was exhausted himself, and was merely coming over to be in his presence. "Okay but what if we just watch one more episode, that's it. It's the winter solstice, we're supposed to be resting."

"Jacob said you'd do this," Noa commented, biting back the urge to laugh when she saw the sour looked that crossed his face at the mention of Jacob. She wasn't sure what his issue with the older boy was, as far as she knew, he practically worshiped the ground Jacob walked on but, as of late, he seemed to be unnerved whenever his name slipped from her tongue.

Seth shuffled awkwardly in his seat, attempting to fix his posture as he had leaned into Noa quite a bit, hoping she didn't notice. She did, she just didn't care, she happened to enjoy the feeling of his skin against her own. "Do what?"

"He said you'd try to drag this out as long as possible, though I'm not sure why when you detest homework altogether," she said with an incredulous laugh, before she suddenly peered at him curiously and he shrunk under her gaze. "Have you suddenly gained an interest in poetry?"

"It's not the poetry he likes," Harry snorted as he rounded the small corner that separated the rooms from the main living area. He let out a rather unattractive laugh that caused Seth to duck his head in embarrassment while Noa stared after him oddly, turning to see that his cheeks were reddened and he was attempting to hide his face. "What is it then?" she asked curiously, innocently.

Instead of an answer, he shot up quickly off the couch, extending his hand out to her to grab ahold of. He waited expectantly while she stared at him, still awaiting a response. "Come on, let's finish before we have to leave," he urged softly, leaning in a bit further so that he was standing closer to her, his legs brushing up against her knees. She took his hand after coming to the realization that he wouldn't be answering her question, letting him lead her to his room where they usually worked because according to him, his brain worked better there, though he wouldn't openly admit he preferred her company alone.

 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 ☾ 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now