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welcome to forks

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Helena Swan was used to both bustling airports and near empty ones but still, she somehow found herself feeling anxious in the small airport she walked through, fumbling with the oversized hoodie she had bought upon landing. Her uncle, Charlie, had warned her about the cold and told her that it wasn't anywhere near the heat of Australia from where she had recently hailed but, apparently the warning fell upon death ears as she stared down at her suitcases distastefully. The contents inside were of no use. Said uncle had texted her that he was stationed in front of the designated pick-up area just outside the gates, where she was currently headed. She hadn't remembered much about her uncle, she honestly didn't recognize the man on the other side of the phone as he sent his condolences along with the promise of a new home with him in Forks, Washington. She didn't have much of a choice, packing her life into two suitcases and a backpack and getting on the first plane out of Western Australia, leaving behind a dead mother she wasn't able to bury and a home they had called theirs for almost a year, the longest they had stayed anywhere.

Her heart ached at the thought. Happiness and stability had been so close, within her reach. The sixteen year old had almost gotten comfortable, maybe that was her mistake. Her mother, Charlotte Swan was known for never staying anywhere too long and when she decided on staying in Perth, the most populated place they had ever called home, Helena thought maybe, just maybe, this was the end. Where they could settle down and make roots, where she could go to a real school and have actual friends and make real memories. God, she was naive for believing. Her head hung down, her thoughts overtaking her again as she exited the reasonably heated airport and felt the cold Seattle air chip at her already red cheeks. A voice called out to her, one that went unnoticed, before she heard a siren, causing her along with everyone around her to stare at the old school cruiser that sat parked a few feet away.

A man with brown curly hair and a thick mustache clad in a traditional police uniform, minus the ridiculous hat, waved her over with a tight lipped, awkward smile. He met her halfway, quickly taking her suitcases into the trunk, the girl catching sight of a shotgun before it closed again. He stuck his hand out for a second before he dropped it, settling for another wave. "You must be Helena, otherwise I just took some random girl's stuff and put it into my trunk."

Her eyebrow raised curiously and they stood for a quick second before he nodded, remembering something. "Right, Noa, my bad. Still not used to that," he apologized quickly, gesturing for her to get into the now open passenger side. She complied with a nod, putting her seatbelt on while he went around to the driver's side. The car came to life and with a quick flip of the siren, they were off, Charlie informing her that the drive home would be three and a half hours. He offered the radio, to which she raised a book, a collection of poems it seemed, the man nodding before turning his attention back to the road.

 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 ☾ 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now