Chapter 40

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ik that josh and Ryan were together in some other chapters but I forgot so here's this


After the park, Jayden starting throwing up so I took him home with Ashley. Ricky and everybody else stayed at the park with Aubree. Blake is with Alexandra, of course.

"So how are you and Ricky?"

"Good. Not really sure I'm ready to have this kid."

"I know, but it'll be okay. At least you're not alone in your pregnancy." I laughed.

"I gotta pee." I said getting up hanging her Jayden. I walked to the bathroom to do my business.


"So, what do you think would happen if I said that I think that Angel is utterly attractive?" I asked Ryan leaning back on the bench.

"I think you'd be crazy. You know how much Ricky loves her."

"Yeah, I know. But, I just wish I had a chance before they got together."

"You could've when she was pregnant."

"Ghost did that."


"It just sucks. Completly sucks. Now she's pregnant having another one of Ricky's kids."

"It's okay, dude. You'll find somebody." Next thing I knew, a beautiful girl with greyish hair with many tattoos was walking two dogs.

Me being me, I got up and walked over to her.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." She replied smiling.

"I'm Josh, what's your name?"

"I'm Ryan."

"May I just say Ryan, you're absolutely beautiful."

"Well thankyou Josh. You're not that bad yourself." She said winking.

"May I ask for your number?"

"You may." She said. We exchanged numbers and parted ways, as I sat next to Ryan.

"What's her name?" They asked.

"Ryan." I replied smiling.

"Well I believe you forgot all about Angel now." I smiled and shook my head.

"I want wings." I said walking.


"MOM!" I yelled freaking out.

"Yea?" She yelled back.

"I-I'm bleeding! I'm afraid somethings wrong with the baby!"

Adopted By Ash CostelloWhere stories live. Discover now