Chapter 13

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"What have you done?" I asked backing away from him, as he looked at me with pain in his eyes.

"I-I can explain." He said with a nervous chuckle.

"You can explain? Are you kidding me? Do you know how serious this is?!"

"Y-I- Angel you gotta believe me." I walked passed him towards the body.

I looked down to the guy who seemed fairly familiar. I bent down, and touched his hand. It was still warm, yet blood was surrounded him. I looked at Ricky in horror. I then backed away once more and called the police.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"There's a guy on the ground with blood everywhere. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but my boyfriends here and I found him with him."

"Okay what's your location?" I told them the location then a few more stuff then we got off the phone.

I looked at Ricky just when Nikki was walking up.

"Woah, what happened here?" I looked at Ricky once more then went over to Nikki and stayed by his side. I couldn't stand to look at Ricky. "Angel?"

"Call Ash. I need to talk to Blake." Ricky fell to his knees as Nikki handed me his phone. Nikki walked over to Ricky and talked to him while I called Ash.


"W-where's Blake? I need to talk to him."

"He's right here."


"Blake, I- I need you guys to come to the fair. Now."

"Okay, I'll tell Ash. Be there soon."


A couple minutes later the police and the paramedics showed up, just as Ash and the gang did.

Nikki went and talked to the police, along with Ash. Blake and them came over to me.

"Angel, what happened?" Blake asked.

"I don't know."

"I'll go talk to Ricky." Chris said walking over to them. We went over to the body where the paramedics were standing.

"I think we know him, Blake." Blake bent down to look at the man. Next thing I knew, Blake's face went white, he fell back and looked up to me, terrified.

"It's... it's.. Justin.."

"Justin?" I asked, not remembering who Justin was.

Then it hit me.

"Wait.. the one who lived in our neighborhood..?"


"Oh my god. Why would he do this!?"

"Go ask him.." I walked over to Ricky and pulled him away. He looked at me confused.

"Why the fuck would you do this to Justin!?"

"I told you Angel, I didn't do it!"

"What a fucking lie!" I growled. "He's down there, losing his life and your telling me you didn't do it!? You're the only suspect here!!" I got so frustrated I was losing it.


"WHY DID YOU DO IT!" By now, everybody was looking at us.

"I-I'm sorry.. A-Angel I-"

"No! I'm fucking done! We're done!" I left and walked back to Nikki. "I'm leaving Misery, I can't stand to look at Ricky. Let alone be in the same area as him."

"Okay, have Ash take you home.."

"Okay, bye." I walked over to Ash and Blake, she nodded. So we got to the car and started driving.

I thought I could trust him.


When we got home, I went to the couch and sat in silence. Blake sat next to me, then Ash was next to me.



"This probably isn't the best time to tell you, but I need to talk to you." I nodded waiting for her to reply. "We kinda have to go on tour."

"What tour?"

"Warped Tour. New Year's Day and Motionless In White will have to be there. So you and Blake get a little road trip."

"Oh cool. When does it start?"

"A week."

"Okay, well I'm gonna go for a walk. I'll be fine. See you soon."

"Can Blake go with you?"


"Because of what happened to you last time.."

"Oh. Okay. Well then we'll be back." Blake and I left the house for a little walk, for me to clear my head out.


Ash, Blake, and Angel left. Leaving me with Nikki and Ricky. I somehow talked the police into letting me take Ricky home.

"Why'd you do it Ricky?"

"I told you I didn't do it!"

"Then who did it? Huh?" I asked getting angry.

"I don't know! I was going to meet up with him then some guy came up and stabbed him."

"Mhm. Well until you can find this "guy" you're the suspect."


"I need your opinion."


"Well, I wanna propose to Ash."

"That's great. We'll get the ring tomorrow. You can do it at the end of Warped Tour. But I need to fix things with Angel.."

"That's a great idea. Thanks. And honestly Ricky, I don't think you can fix things with Angel. Blake assured me that Justin was their best friend when they were growing up. Justin was actually Blake's over all best friend."


"Yeah." It was silent for the rest of the ride. I just don't know why he would do this. He says he didn't do it, and I'm trying to believe him, but it's hard to.


When we got back to the house, Ricky claimed he was going to shower, so I went to bed with Ash. Angel apparently left her door locked, so Ricky was stuck on the couch.

Oh well.


Everybody left for the day, except for Ricky. Which means, it'll be just me and him in the house.

Fucking hell.

I went downstairs, making sure not to wake him while making myself some coffee. But, next thing I knew, he was standing right behind me.

"Angel, you gotta believe I'm sorry."

"Ricky, I don't give a shit. Justin's in the fucking hospital." I spat. I turned around and faced him seeing the hurt in his eyes.

"Angel, come on. You know I didn't do that!"

"THEN WHO DID!?" I yelled throwing a glass on the floor. He stepped over the broken glass pulling me into a kiss. I tried resisting, but he held me down.

It got more intense, so he carried my to my room and slammed the door. He kissed me again, and i pulled back. But then he did it once more, so I was shit out of luck.

I guess you can figure out what happened next.

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