Chapter 54

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I realize that most kids can't say that many words in full sentences until they're at least 3, but hey, my kids are special ;)


I got up a little early and made everybody breakfast, besides Aden and Dean. I fixed pancakes with blueberrys and strawberrys on top, with whipped cream. Aubree loves it. Of course, she mostly sucks on the fruit, but other than that it's good. I did the same for Kellin, except I made Aubrees in a smiley face, as well as Copelands.

Soon, Kellin came down the stairs, but I stopped him so he couldn't see the food. "Nonononono, come on let's wake the kids up first. Then you see everything."

"Can I at least get a kiss?" I nodded and leaned in. He put his hand on the bottom of my back and pulled me closer to him as much as he could. He glided his tongue across my lip, asking for an entrance, which i confirmed. His tongue slipped into my mouth. A moan escaped my mouth. I slightly pulled his hair, which caused a moan to find its way out of his mouth. Next thing I knew we were both fighting for dominance. He won. I pulled away and looked into his eyes breathlessly. "Time to wake the kids." He nodded and grabbed my hand as I pulled him up to their bedroom.

"Hey Aubree?" I whispered. She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Happy Birthday kiddo!"

"Yayy!!" Aubree yelled back. Cope looked up and smiled at Kell. Aden and Dean started crying.

"I got them." Kellin said while I took Aubree towards the kitchen, with Copeland. We walked down the stairs and then walked into the kitchen. Kellin came down soon with the boys and put them in their little high chairs. "Babe this looks amazing." He said before kissing my cheek, then my lips.

"Why, thankyou. Hey Aubaub, I'm gonna call your daddy and say Happy Birthday to your brother!"

"Mkay!" I picked up my phone and called Ricky.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey, can I speak to Jayden?"

"Yeah." He handed the phone to him and I heard him pick up. " Hi mommy!"

"Happy Birthday sweetheart!"

"Tahyu!" His Thankyous were so adorable.

"I hope to see you later buggy, I love you."

"Luh you." Then the phone was handed back to Ricky.

"Do I get to see him at all today?"

"Uh, yea sure. Maybe later. Tell Aub I said Happy Birthday." Then he hung the phone up. (just so you know, most kids don't really remember their parents until they're at least 3, keep that in mind.)

"You gonna see him today?"

"I would hope so. At least I'm spending it with her."

"Alright, let's sing Happy Birthday!"


The party was going great. Blake now has a kid, and Ashley. Of course, they're not old enough to play with Aubree, but she has some other friends here that we met at the park. She loves Annabelle, they're two peas in a pod with eachother.

Copeland was with Aubree at the moment, they were playing princesses, while Annabelle was eating her cake. Aub and Cope already ate.

Aubree and Copeland were dressed in Aubrees Belle dress that Aub got for her birthday. Aubree was wearing the Little Mermaid one. That was always her favorite.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I got up and walked over, and opened, going face to face with somebody I've never seen before.

"May I help you?"

"Yes. The names Drew. Christofer Drew. You are Angel, correct?"


"Does the name, 'Loraine' seem farmiliar to you by any chance?" I gasped. My birth mother...

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