Chapter 49

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"This is your fault Devin's dead, Angel!"

"Kylie, shut up! God he wouldn't be dead if it weren't for you in the first place! You're the one who cheated on him which caused him to fall in love with me you ignorant asshole!"

"You deserve to rot in hell."

"You deserve to kiss my ass."

"Already have, bitch."

"Positive, sweetheart?" Kylie pulled a gun on me when Chris stepped in front of me.

"Get the fuck out of my house, you bitch." She was about to speak up, but Balz grabbed her arms and took her out of the house. Scratch that, threw her out of the house.

"She's right."

"What's she right about?"

"It being my fault for Devins death."

"It's been 5 months since it happened, Angel. You need to stop blaming yourself for his death, you hear me?"


"Enough, Angel. I've had enough."

*End of Flashback/Dream*

I woke up, shaking, alone in the bed. I didn't hear any commotion. I noticed I was crying. I leaned up in the bed and whiped my eyes, only causing more to stream down my face.

I whimpered lightly as I curled up into a ball, slowly letting cries out of my mouth. Next thing I knew, Jayden ended up in the bed with me.

"Hey, buggy."

"Mommy, you crying."

"I know mommys crying. Do you know where Daddys at?" He pointed towards the door.

"H-he with A."

"He's with Aden?" He nodded. "Why don't we go get daddy, yeah?" I got out of bed and picked him up walking towards The babies room. "Hey." I said when I saw him cradling Aden.

"Hey babe, wha-, are you crying?"

"Shh, how's Aden?"

"He was crying, so I came to check on him. Wha-why are you crying?"

"Baby, I'm fine. Jayy comforted me. How's Aubree doing?"

"She's still asleep."

"Jayden, I want you to go to sleep, okay?" He nodded. "Alright, gimme a kiss." He pecked my lips before I layed him down in his crib. "Night buggy."

"Night mommy." He can't speak very full sentences yet, and won't be able to till he's about 2-3 years old. But he's doing pretty good. Aden and Dean, of course can't, and Aub just says the basics. Like mommy, daddy, juice, Ash. The usual.

"I'll be in bed." I walked away and went to the bed, wiping my face once more. In a couple minutes or so, Ricky walked in.

"What's the matter?"


"That dream again?"

"Ricky, it actually happened you know."

"I know, but it's okay. That was 2 months ago." I nodded. "I love you, okay?"

"I love you back." I kissed his lips, only to get our tongues fighting for dominance. He, as always, won.

"Goodnight, Angel."

"Goodnight, Ricky."


"So nice to see you again, Tony."

"Same to you, you remember my brother Keith."

"That I do, how've you been, Keith?"

"Good, you?"

"I've been doing great. Well, come on in, it's freezing."

"So how's life been, guys?"

"Been going good. You still upset over Blake's death?"

"Guys, come here." I pulled them into the kitchen and sat them down. "Blake's not dead anymore."

"What do you mean?" Tony asked leaning forward.

"He's back. He's been back for a long time now,"

"What you mean like reincarnated?" Keith asked.

"I believe so, yes."

"How the hell is that even possible?"

"I don't know, but he'll be very pleased to see you both, okay?"



"Oh my god it's been so long since i've seen you guys! How are my Gillmores doing?"

"We're doing good man."

"You seem a little shaken up there, Keith. What's the matter?"

"I'm wondering how the fuck i'm standing in front of you, talking to you, when you died. I watched them put you into the damn ground, how the hell am i speaking to you face to face?"

"I reincarnated man. I don't know how, but i'm here, and I have my sister back, i have a girlfriend, and a son, and thats good enough, you hear me?!"


"Get the fuck out of my face Tony. You too Keith. Get out of my house."


~3 weeks later~

"Hey Kellin, so nice to see you again."

"I know! Long time no see. I've missed you, ya big balloon." He said hugging my tightly.

"How's your wife doing?" He sighed and shook his head.

"She's doing fine."

"Whats the matter, Kells?"

"She wants a divorce." He said falling on my couch.


"She doesn't think we're right for each other anymore."

"The hell? You guys are perfect for each other!"

"I know."

"Who's getting custody of Cope? Where are you gonna stay?"

"I don't know. I'm gonna gave Katelynn her custody of her and me get her on my free time, considering Madness just went out and we're on tour with Pierce The Veil. I don't have the slightest clue where i'm going to be staying though."

"Stay here."



"Do you think Rick would mind?"

"Me and him are having tension anyways." I told him sitting next to him getting a handful of popcorn.

"Why are you guys having tension?" He asked grabbing a handful of popcorn himself.

"He's upset that Aden and Dean arent his, which i understand, but its not my fault that i got drunk and had sex with Fronz. He comes almost every single day to see them. He keeps trying to make moves on me and shit, but it's obviously not working considering i don't want to give up Ricky for anything. Yet-- he barley talks to me. It's pissing me off. He says he has 'band stuff' which is obviously a lie, considering ever since Devin died, Motionless In White went down the drain."

"Well shit man. Hey, i'm here for you. I can't believe you guys haven't even gotten married though."

"I know. But i guess right now its a good thing that we didn't considering hes being an asshole."

"Well, what can you do?"

"I agree with you. But I--" I was cut off by the sound of the front door knocking, then the doorbell. "Coming!" I yelled. "Its probably Fronz." I went to the door and opened it to see his face with a smirk on it. "And look, it's the devil himself."

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