Chapter 60

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short chapter - a little bit of a suprise so hahahaha please don't kill me

"Ah, this is so great!" Ash said jumping up and down.

"I know!"

"No, I mean you and Ricky are finally gonna be back together!"

I laughed. "Sure." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm serious! You and him belong together! When I first got you, he was so obsessed with you. You guys are perfect."

"Hm. Well wouldn't argue with that." There was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door, seeing Christofer. "Hey, Chris!"

"Hey, Ang! Long time no see." He pulled me in for a hug. I was suprised, but hugged him back.

"Guess what."


"You know how I thought that Fronz was the father of Aden and Dean?"


"They're not! They're Rickys! Which is a little weird considering I don't remember the whole sex thing but still!"

"That's great, Ang! Oh, I have something to say slash ask."

"Ok, shoot."

"Well, I know we've only known eachother for like 2 weeks, but.. Will you go on a date with me?"

"Oh, uh.." I thought about it. I haven't been with anybody since Kellin. Which wasn't that long ago. But I mean, it's not like him having sex with the guy.

"Sure, why not." He smiled and hugged me again.

"Tomorrow, around 7?"


"I'll pick you up."

"See you then."


There was another knock on the door. I set my Dr. Pepper down and paused The Rocky Horror Picture Show and walked towards the door. Aubree fell asleep on the couch next to me, so I made sure she was comfortable before I got up.

Aubree loves Rocky Horror. Mom was kind of against her watching it at a young age, but I couldn't help it. Plus, I was watching it and she got put into my room.

Anyways, I opened the door and saw Ricky holding Jayden. "Ricky!" I said getting all excited. "Jayden!" I yelled even more enthusiastic. I looked down, mid waist towards someone standing next to Ricky. I saw a round belly. I looked up towards the face. Maci.

"Suprise." Maci said smiling.

Adopted By Ash CostelloWhere stories live. Discover now