Minisode: Books

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"So Clair," Clara began, catching Clair's attention and making her look up from her lunch. "You must be one smart cookie, to finish school two years early."

Clair shrugged, swallowing her mouthful of pasta.

"I wouldn't say so," she said modestly. "I'm just quick to pick things up, that's all."

"Oh come off it," Clara laughed. "One year ahead, that's not too uncommon, but two years? You're obviously pretty bright."

"It was all out my hands really," Clair admitted. "The orphanage enrolled me a year early, and then I skipped year seven and went straight to year eight. I was out of year twelve not long after I turned sixteen."

"So, what were you good at?" Clara asked. "Well, obviously you were pretty good at everything -"

"Not maths," Clair cut in. "And I wasn't too flash at Geography or Economics either."

Clara laughed. "Me neither. I never understood economics."

"I loved English and History though," Clair continued. "And the science subjects weren't too bad."

"And you want to be an author, right?"

Clair nodded.

"So you must've done a lot of reading."

Clair smiled, a little sadly.

"I read as much as I could. Thank goodness for the school library, otherwise I wouldn't have read anything but textbooks!"

Clara frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Clair avoided her eyes, instead looking down at her bowl of pasta as she toyed with it with her fork.

"Well, I didn't have any books of my own."

Clara stared. "Not a single one?"

"Well, I guess that's not quite true," Clair replied quickly. "I have one. Just the one."

"Only one book? Where did you get it? I assume the orphanage didn't get it for you."

"No, I found it. It was on my pillow one night when I went to bed. I don't know who put it there, or why, but it's been a saving grace more than once."

Her smile was even sadder now.

"There were lots of days where I don't think I would've managed without that book."

Now Clara's expression was sad too. Only one book? She couldn't fathom it.

"Which book is it?"

"A really old one," Clair said with a much brighter smile. "By my timeline anyway."

She reached into her jacket, searching a pocket which looked as though Clair had put it there herself. Out of it she pulled a large, slim novel in a faded paper dustcover. An illustration of a dragon flying over the English countryside emblazoned the front, accompanied by the words 'The Complete Book of Dragons - By E.Nesbit'.

From the way she handled the book with such care, Clara could tell that it meant a lot to her. It's probably her most prized possession, she thought. Clair looked up from the book to Clara, and for a moment her face was emotionless - but her eyes were suspicious. She hesitated, then, slowly, extended the book to Clara.

She was stunned. Clair was willing to trust her with the only book she possessed. Clara found it incredibly touching.

Determined to prove that her trust was well placed, Clara gently took the book in her hands and examined it, carefully turning it over, opening it and turning a few of the yellowed pages. The corners were scuffed, the pages stained, the dustcover beginning to tear at the edges. It smelt like dust and old paper - that scent that always accompanied old books.

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