Chapter 6: Clair's Story

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"Clair, what happened to you?"

The question surprised even Clara herself. She hadn't meant to ask it - it had just tumbled out. Clair turned her face to her, brow furrowed.

"What do you mean?" Her voice was small and a little rough from crying. Well, thought Clara, I'm there now. Might as well go ahead with the questions.

"I mean..." Clara shifted in her chair a little. "Why are you all alone? What are you doing in such a back-end part of London by yourself?"

Clair's eyes flickered away from Clara's, avoiding her gaze. And she didn't answer.

"Clair, I'm just - I'm just worried about you, that's all. You're so young, and you're out wandering dangerous streets on your own. Not that you can't take care of yourself -"

Clair's eyes had flashed dangerously and Clara knew immediately that assuming weakness was not a good idea. She leant closer, placing a hand on Clair's shoulder in what she hoped was a reassuring gesture.

"But it's still dangerous. Like what happened today. I'm just worried that you might get into trouble you can't get out of. I'd hate for you to get hurt - " Clara stroked her hand over Clair's hair, and Clair jerked back, eyes wide. Clara jerked back too, out of surprise, reacting to Clair's reaction.

"What - what's wrong? Clair, did I do something wrong?"

Clair remained looking rather shocked for a few seconds, and Clara guessed she looked about the same. Then Clair shook her head, calming down, gaining control again. Clara's expression changed from shocked to uncertain, uncertain to curious. What was that all about? She wondered.

"No. Nothing wrong. I just ..." she trailed off. Clara tilted her head, looked at her inquiringly.


"It's just that... this is a first for me."

Clara laughed.

"Being kidnapped, rescued by a Time Lord and his friend and being brought to their time-travelling box?"

I guess by 'Time Lord' she means the Doctor. That would explain the whole time-machine thing, Clair thought, and managed a small smile. This kind of situation hardly happens every day. Well, unless you're the Doctor, I suppose.

"Well, that too, I mean..." Clair paused, considering how to say it. "Just being in such a nice place, with nice people who actually care about me and want to help me."

Clara adopted an expression of barely-contained astonishment as Clair's words sunk in. It seemed unbelievable, what she'd just said. The first time she's been somewhere nice? The first time she's been with people who cared about her? Where has she been living her whole life?

But it'd be rude to blurt that out, so instead she asked "What? What do you mean?"

Clair's eyes filled with tears again and she turned her head away from Clara.

"Clair, what kind of life have you been living that makes help and - and kindness so... unusual?"

Clair didn't respond. Clara knew she was crying, even though she couldn't see her face properly. She reached out again and put her hand on her shoulder, and Clair didn't pull away.

"Clair, is issues? Did you run away? Can I do anything to help?"

What is going on? What is this girl's story? Clara's thoughts were racing.

"I ran away." Clair broke her silence so suddenly that Clara jumped a little in surprise."But - I don't have a family. I've never had a... a real family."

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