Chapter 10: Lullaby

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Clara returned a short time later, bearing two small packages of ice and the freshly-filled hot water bottle, to find Clair in a fitful sleep. The main light was turned off, the room half-illuminated by the little light on the wall above the bed.

Not surprised. She must be absolutely exhausted.

Clara tip-toed through the room and carefully placed the ice packs and hot water bottle on the bedside bookshelf. For a second she wasn't sure what to do. Then a thought occurred to her and she turned and slipped quietly out of the room again, returning this time with a pitcher of water and a glass. Apart from the tea, Clair hadn't drunk anything since her arrival at the TARDIS. And that tea had recently made its reappearance. Clara thought it unwise to add dehydration to the already-alarming list of things causing Clair trouble.

She poured water into the glass and set the pitcher back on the bookshelf. Clair's eyes flickered open at the sound of the dull, barely-audible thud. She turned her head to look at Clara, blinking sleepily.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you," Clara apologised. Clair opened her mouth to reply, but at that moment the pain caught up to her and she gasped instead and cringed.

"Hang on."

Clara picked up the hot water bottle and stepped over to Clair. She drew back the covers and placed the hot water bottle on Clair's stomach. She shifted it a little and looked to Clair.

"How's that?"

Clair nodded.


Clara dithered for a moment, making a decision.

"Clair, you'll probably hate me for this, but you need to sit up."

Clair's brow furrowed slightly. "Why?"

"Water. You need to drink something, or you'll get dehydrated. I think we can both agree that would be less than fun right now."

Clair considered her a moment, then struggled into a sitting position. Clara handed her the glass of water. "The whole thing," she added.

As Clair slowly drank, Clara stood and watched her, keeping an eye out for any of the telltale signs of concussion, should they resurface. Clair seemed less shaky than before, but the stiffness of her movements told Clara the levels of pain she was experiencing has increased. Her 'probably not broken' ribs seemed to be troubling her.

Clair finished the glass and set it back on the bookshelf, which was within easy reach. She lay back down, clamping down whimpers as pain stabbed like needles across her ribcage. Her head ached. Her stomach was wrenching with pain. Her collarbone was screaming. Basically, I'm in agony, she thought vaguely. Oh, and I'm still nauseous. Isn't that just wonderful?

Clara didn't miss the flashes of pain in Clair's eyes as she lay down. But there was little she could do. She didn't have any painkillers with her, and though the Doctor may have some, she was hesitant. Ice will have to do for now.

So Clara brought over the two bags of ice, and carefully placed one on Clair's collarbone and one on her forehead, both on the nasty purple-blue bruised lumps.

"Those should help the swelling, and numb the pain a bit." She met Clair's eyes with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry I can't do more."

"You've already done heaps," Clair pointed out. She sounded slow and sleepy, but her voice had a pained edge to it.

"Just helping out," Clara replied with a shrug. "Anyone would do the same."

Clair raised an eyebrow.

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