Andrea Reed: Only Exception

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Andrea Reed: Only Exception

Andy's POV

"Andrea Mallory Reed! Come back here!" Mom yelled while I ran for my life.

Almost there. Almost there... Gotcha.

I held onto my dog that was running away to fuel the speed of my skateboard. Mom won't catch me now.

"What are you doing?" Vincent asked as he pulled over the sidewalk and I let go of Rookie which was a Siberian Husky.

"When are you going to arrive in time?!" I asked as I punched his arm.

"Sorry. The car broke down earlier." He said while chuckling at my expression which made me scowl even more.

"I hate you." I said as I went inside his car and put my seatbelt on.

"You know you love me." He teased.

Dude, stop teasing me or I'll kill you. I can already feel the heat on my cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?" He asked while still chuckling at me.

"Cause I'm fuming in anger." I lied but he bought it cause he looked apologetic.

"I was kidding. I mean... of course you love me as a friend, right? Tell me you do cause it's not friendship if there's no love." He said while stealing glances at me.

"Of course I... love you." I said feeling weirded-out.

Man, that was hard to say out loud. Not that I say it silently.

Okay, fine. I might've said that in my mind tons of times.

He's my friend and he's really nice. Who wouldn't like the dude?

"Hey, Andy." Beth said as I approached her.

"Hello, Ms. Rose." Vincent greeted nicely.

"Hey, Vince. So... how's your morning?" She asked ignoring Vincent's whole presence.

Remember about the thing I said about the fact that no one wouldn't like Vincent? I take it back.

Beth would never like this dude. Let's just say that she has her eyes set on someone else.

Okay, I feel totally mean right now.

"Not cool." I said as I frowned at her face.

"Frowning's not cute. You'll get a bad face." Lily said as she shaped my lips into a smile.

"I like having a bad face, Hemmington." I said as I frowned even more.

"Uh... what're we talking about?" Jane asked as she looked up to us from her phone.

"Okay, I'll see you guys at lunch." Vince said as he started to walk away.

"You know, you should really start hanging out with guys not girls. Some people are thinking that you're gay." I said while chuckling.

"I look too good to be gay." He said which made me laugh.

"Now that's what I call a laugh." He said before totally walking away.

"Someone's getting the tingles." Beth whispered.

"Tingles in the what?" I asked while smiling yet still confused.

"Tingles in the heart." She teased.

"Oh, shut up."


"Do you know that you have to pay a hundred dollars for this nail art? I mean... who on earth would buy that?" Jane said as she flipped through her magazine.

"Let me see." Lily said as she pulled the magazine to her side.

"OMG. I would love to pay that much for that baby." Lily exclaimed.

"I'd rather let my nails be the way they are than pay that much." Beth said as she sneaked a peek.

"You are totally blind. Andy, can you please examine this perfect nail art and say that she's wrong?" Lily demanded as she showed it to me. I didn't last three seconds cause it was too... how do I say it... pink and pretty?

"Now I'm blind." I said as I averted my eyes from the picture.

"You just don't get art." Lily said with cockiness.

"Oh, I get art. Just not the ones done in nails." Beth said which got us all cracking up.

"Jane! Someone's at the door." Jane's mom said as she knocked on the door.

Quite weird, huh?

"I have to get that." Jane said as she went outside.

"I wonder who that could be." Lily said with excitement.

"I know it's not dumbo cause he's way too good looking to be here." I teased.

It was true. No one ever moves in this town. Every year is the same: same school, same teachers, same schoolmates, same boring old life. Except at the time when there was a new girl, Miranda Fingly. She was the talk of the entire town. As in the whole town. I'm not kidding.

"What? Oh my gosh! I'll be right there." Lily said before she hang up on her phone.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"It was my friend, Marie. She invited me to go to her homecoming party this weekend. Oh my gosh. I still have no drrss to wear. Wanna come with me to the mall?" She offered hopefully.

"And shop with you? No thanks. You take almost forever to find the perfect dress." Beth said as she shook her head no.

"So mean of you to say that. How 'bout you, Mal? Wanna come?" She asked calling me by my second name.

"No, I'm with Beth on this one. I don't want to wait for you as you spend most of your time staring at fabricated goodness." I said as I grabbed my backpack and skateboard.

"Come on, Beth. Let's go home." I said as I started to walk towards the door.

"Can't. Jane and I have a project and we're supposed to do it today. Sorry." She said as she gave me an apologetic smile.

"Nah, don't bother. I'll be fine. Bye, guys." I said as I walked downstairs.

I bid my farewell to Mrs. Foyer and to Jane who was drinking whatever that liquid was. It looked like it was grossy green. Her mom is very health conscious so I'm guessing it was a vegetable juice. She made me drink that and I almost puked my guts out in front of Mrs. Foyer. I didn't visit theur house for an entire month because of that.

I was skating by the sidewalk before this idiotic dude sprang up from nowhere and I ended up crashing on him.

"Ow." He said as he rubbed his forehead.

"Watch where you're going." I demanded as I dusted of dirt my jeans.

"You're the one who was controlling the skateboard. You didn't really expect me to control your skateboard, right?" He snapped back.

"Meanie." I said before making a dash for it. With my skateboard, of course.

That dude was so irritating. Whoever he is. I don't even know who the guy was. But, why?

He's not from around here. Does that mean he just moved here? Or he's just visiting?

Oh, well. Can't expect me to care that much.

I guess.

Who is that guy?! Now I won't stop thinking about him.

He's the only guy I've ever spent the night thinking about. Except for Vincent. He's the only exception. And this guy who I never even know.

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