Charles Denver: Who Mallory Really Is

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Charles Denver: Who Mallory Really Is

"Where is that punk? I already showered with Blake's vomit," Matt complained.

"I don't know. I lost him when you dragged me out. You should've told me so we could've taken him with us," I said annoyed as I tried to call Dylan again.

No such luck.

"I thought you already left," Dylan said behind the car.

"I am going to split you into two if you won't get in the car in three seconds. Three, two--"

"I'm getting in, mom," Dylan answered sarcastically while Matt just shut the door.

"Am I the designated driver?" I asked.

"Yup," Matt replied.

"I'm too tired to drive," Dylan said.

"I'll just drive you there. Like I'm not tired. At all. For waiting, for getting dragged, and for carrying a dude that's heavier than me," I sarcastically said.

"Just fucking drive," Blake said angrily as he rubbed his temples.

I bet hangover wouldn't treat him well tomorrow morning.


"Is something wrong?" I asked as Blake drank from his water bottle that is actually filled with alcohol.

"Hangovers damn people," he complained silently before I saw Matt and Dylan walking towards us.

"What's wrong with Blake?" Dylan asked.

"Ask him yourself," I said while trying to keep my laughter down.

"Don't be a punk, Charlie," Blake teased and I immediately became annoyed. "Don't call me that," I said annoyance evident in ny voice.

"Something wrong with Charlie?" Dylan asked.

"Nah. His ex used to call him that, though. Maybe that's why he doesn't like us to call him that," Matt explained.

"That's pretty true. I mean he was head-over-heels for her and she just... vanished to thin air," Blake dramatically said before I slapped his head.

"Fuck you," He said with the finger.

"It's not my fault you drank too much last night. Plus, it was a school night. Who would throw a party when other people are too hung over from last night?" I asked.

"Donnie, obviously," Dylan said before I punched his arm playfully.

"You're standing in front of my locker," Beth rudely said with a frown before her eyes darted to me. I gave her a smile and she smiled back.

"Sup?" I asked while the guys moved away from the locker where Blake leaned.

"Hey, Charles. Why are you here?" She asked before blushing. "You're here because that's you locker," she sarcastically said.

"Yeah. How'd you ace that test in Geometry? I didn't even get that last part," I blabbed.

"Cause I studied for it," she sarcastically said.

"Maybe we could--"

"Hey, you're one of Jane's friends, right? What's her class after lunch?" Blake asked interrupting me.

"Can I ask why you care?" She asked back.

"Uh... no. What class?" He asked again which made me feel annoyed towards him.

"A simple 'please' would do, if you please," I said.

"Can you please tell me where her next class is located?" He asked nicely and I nodded, pleased. Man, I am using this word too much.

"French," she replied.

"Man, I hate French," he complained.

"Why did you ask?" I asked.

"Nothing special," he assured.

"He's going to sneak inside the class and bug Jane to the end of the world." I stated.

"Don't be a di--"

"Can we be study buddies?" I asked Beth to stop Blake from saying that word.

"What? You-'re-- you-- study--" she stammered.

"Why is she stammering? You have a stupid crush on Charles, am I right?" Blake teased.

"Get lost, Blake," I said cause I saw that Beth became uncomfortable at what he said.

"Sure thing. What class again?" Blake asked.

"French." Beth answered for the nth time.

"So... how 'bout that study buddy thing?" I asked while Blake walked away.

"Yes." She replied with a cheeky grin.

"Awesome," I said before Blake started singing as he walked in the hallway.

"Beth and Charlie sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G," he chanted.

"Grow up," I called out after him and he just gave me the finger.

"Sorry about him," I said before she chuckeled softly.

I have to admit, this girl can laugh about anything anyone says. Which is kinda good, I guess.

"Anyway, I am looking forward to being your study buddy but I have to go. Principal Newman wants me in his office about some time now so... I have to go," I said as I walked backwards.

"Yeah, sure. See you whenever you need me," she said with a smile that can captivate any guy in the school. Or even outside the school.

But not me.

I already have my eye on someone.


"Where were you? You're late," Dylan said as I approached him.

"I got caught up with something," I replied as I sat down in my usual seat beside him and the window.

"Or someone," he teased.

"I seriously have no time for your childish thoughts," I said with a bored tone.

"I'm still a kid. I'm seventeen, genius," he said with a wide grin.

"So?" I asked.

"You have bo right to tell me to stop acting like a kid cause I am one," he stated like a lawyer before slumping on his seat.

"Where's Mr. Ferguson?" I asked. Mr. Ferguson never missed a class. He was always present. Sometimes late but only for a couple minutes. He only has twenty minutes left before the bell rings and he's still not here.

Oh, man. I like his subject. It was Science which is kinda my favorite subject.

Call me a nerd but I don't care. Science is everything I have to know in this life. Nothing else.

"Do you think Mr. Ferguson will ever come teach us today?" I asked Dylan.

"I think so too but--" he said before his eyes flicked towards something behind me.

"Do you remember last night when you lost me at the party and there was a girl that dragged me out? Her name was Mallory and guess what? She's right behind you," he said with a small smile on his face.

I turned my head around and saw Mallory.

My Mallory.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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