Jane Reynolds: Black is the New Black

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Jane Reynolds: Black is the New Black

Jane's POV

I closed my eyes as I lied down on the bed wishing this day didn't come. This is actually the worst day I've had.

For once, I actually hate something that's not about me.

It's not that I hate this day as I hate that day, it's just... not close but not far. But that doesn't mean that I don't hate it. Which I kinda do.


"Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself?" Beth asked me worriedly.

"Of course she'll be fine. She's an adult. Not a baby." Andy said with a bored expression.

"She might already be eighteen but she's still a baby when it comes to fashion." Lily stated as she examined my clothes.

"What? They're comfy. And it's cold. Why do you have to be fashionably pretty when it's cold and you don't know how to drink coffee without spilling it?" I asked.

"Cause you'd rather be pretty than be fat. Do you know how many calories is in a container of coffee?" Lily asked being the nutritionist again.

"Uh... do you know how much calories are inside a large container of coffee? Cause that's what I drink all the time." Beth said sarcastically.

"I hate coffee. It makes me dizzy." Andy said as she played with a knife.

"Keep that away. That's not allowed in school." Beth warned.

"Fine. I was bored and I didn't have much to do." Andy reasoned as she put the pocket knife in her bra pocket.

"Why put it there?" I asked.

"Cause nobody would dare touch me there?" Andy explained before the bell rang.

They had to leave me cause they would be late but I had a free period so I went outside the school garden. I took out my French notes and just decided to memorize some words.

"My beloved in French is... Mon bien-aimé." I read.

Mon bien-aimé, mon bien-aimé, mon bien-aimé. Why did I even take French?

I read some more and tried to stick it inside my head. I need to get it inside. Deep inside my head. I have to get this stupid words inside or else I would fail this test and my parents would get angry and they'll make me stay away from my friends and they will enroll me to a private school where I would have the worst years of my life.

I started to stand up before I heard a something move behind a tree. I went over it before seeing that there were no person there. I almost went away before a piece of paper flew towards me. I looked at it and it was a sketch. Of me. While studying earlier.

Who the creep would do this?

Instead of being happy or feeling flattered, I felt my blood boil towards the person.

Why would that person have to be a creepy stalker? Or a really annoying dude that draws a picture of you without even you knowing?

I put my notebook in my locker and got ready for my next subject when I saw the drawing again.

"Liked my drawing?" A dude said as he leaned on the locker beside mine.

"So you were the creepy stalker, huh? I expected more." I mocked.

"Expected more? You mean... you imagined me shirtless? Or more than that?" He asked with a smirk.

"Probably. I also expected that while you're shirtless, I was cooking you in a very big cauldron." I mocked.

"So you want to eat me?" He asked without throwing away his smirk.

"Nah. I'd probably have diarrhea." I reotrted feeling proud of myself. I can sense that nobody talked to him like that before cause his ears became a little red before he masked his annoyance with his smirk.

What is it with you and smirks?!


"You wish." I said before walking away.

"All the time." He said which made me stop at my tracks and turned back to look at him. He had his smirk on and I was never annoyed by anything else but that cocky smirk.

"I think you might be gay." I said before giving him the same smirk and wink.


I turned and turned on my ned cause I couldn't get to sleep. My mind kept replaying those scenes and I can't help it but feel really really annoyed.

What the heck is wrong with me?!

More importantly, what is wrong with him?

Who would like me? I'm not pretty, I'm pretty smart but that's that. I'm not the whole package.

Wait, why am I thinking about people liking me? That guy doesn't like me. Hs just happened to be a really good artist that draws sketches of girls he sees. Weird.

Huh. Why can't I convince myself?

I tried writing my report in French by of course, using some references. I did a report about the city of love which was kind of ironic cause I have to put my point of view about love which I have no clue about.

I closed my laptop when I couldn't write anything about love anymore. I suppose I was too occupied when I heard something go inside my room through my window.

I went towards it while carrying a pillow for protection in case it might be a bomb. When I looked at it, it was just a rock but with a paper tied around it.

Who the heck would do this at two in the morning?

I took the rock out of the paper before seeing what was written on the paper. Actually, what was drawn on the paper.

It was me lying on my right side with my back seen by the artist. It was my room as seen by a person that clinbed the tree in front of my room.

I looked out my window to check who that dude was but I didn't see him on time. But I got a glance at him as he jumped down from the lowest branch.

He turned around to face me but he was wearing a black v-neck shirt, black pants and a black beanie.

This guy reminds me of something...

Black is the new black.

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