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Percy's POV

I ran through camp with a velvet black box in my hand. I was going to propose! My Wise Girl was over at the training arena and I couldn't wait to see the shocked face she'll have!

I ran up to the mat and found Annabeth... With my stupid half brother Dean. I slowly approached and saw that they were laughing at something and Dean had his arm around her. That hurt. She said she hated him. The thing that stung was when they kissed.

"Wise Girl?" I asked, tears threatening my eyes.

She pulled away and looked at me with shock. "I'm sorry Percy. Dean was just more... Exciting than you. I was offered immortality and Dean said he'd love me no matter what, so I accepted." She explained in a quivering monotone.

I studied the velvet box, anger rising through me. "Fine!" I yell. I throw the box right in front of her. I run as she screams for me. Why should I listen? She ripped my heart to shreds.

I run to the only place I can let go. The Aphrodite Cabin. I know you may think that this is my worst idea, but Aphrodite shipped us together so I had to go to the closest source to her.

I ran in and Piper was there as well, crying her kaleidoscope eyes out. The girls were comforting her and I couldn't help but notice that Drew wasn't here. I dismiss the thought when they stare at me.

Piper takes a tissue and asks, "What happened Percy?"

I sit on the bed. "You tell me first."

"Jason! And stupid Drew!" She sobs.

The girls look at me. I break down. Piper looks astonished. The great Hero of Olympus, crying. "Percy! What happened?" She asks.

"A-Annabeth! And Dean!" I cry. The whole cabin gasps.

"Percabeth was perfection!" A girl cries. We all cry together.

By the time the conch horn sounded, Leo had joined us because of Calypso and his half brother Shawnee. Hazel was in the process of being cuddled by half of the Aphrodite girls. Frank apparently was cheating on her with a stupid Iris girl. Half of the Aphrodite boys went and brought back four whole trays of food. It was chicken legs and ice cream.

We drained to trays in silence. Nothing to talk about at all. The night we stayed up, crying and letting it all out. The Aphrodite girls refused to let us go because we needed support. We didn't complain.

Over the course of a month, everyone turned against us. Even the gods. They all took Annabeth's side. Well, besides the Aphrodite girls and the hunters.

Nothing was left for us. We ran. As we approached the city, a hydra and the Minotaur attacked us. I barely killed the Minotaur and Piper and Leo killed off the hydra. After my final, lethal swing, I collapsed to ground, along with all my true friends.

When I woke up, a beautiful figure was standing over us. Her hair was black. Blacker than black, if that's even a thing. Her eyes were unusual. They were purple. Her dress was a deep purple composed of stars. "Who are you?" I ask, my voice raspy.

She bends down and places a caring hand on my cheek. "I am Chaos, creator of the Universe."

"Why are you here?" Piper asks.

"Why children, I'm here to offer you an opportunity! A job so to speak!" Chaos answers.

"Doing what?" Leo asks. By this time, we were all awake.

"Be the four protectors of Earth. My other four unfortunately perished during the rise of Gaea." She explains.

"I will!" Piper and I call at the same time.

Hazel nods her head and Leo mimics Hazel. Chaos' face lights up. "Oh goodie! I'll start with you, darling." She says walking up to Hazel. She creates an orange ball of energy in her hands and shoves it into her. She's shrouded in a golden light.

When is dissipates, a confident, beautiful, tall woman stands. He hair falls into Raven black curls and her dress is a gorgeous orange-yellow color. Her golden eyes hold more power than all the gods combined. Besides her eyes, the thing that stands out is her wings. The feathers of gold, scarlet, and orange look exactly like the fall leaves. "She's Autumn, the least powerful but just as important as the rest of you." Chaos explains as Autumn walks beside her.

"Call me Fall if you wish." She bows. Her voice is as calm as the wind.

Piper struggles to sit up. "Next is you dear." Chaos says, creating a green energy ball and shoving it into her. She's shrouded in a pink light. As it dissipates, I see another tall, beautiful, and confident woman. Her brown, choppy hair is set into a braid with flowers in her hair. Her startling, powerful green eyes hold specks of pink and yellow. Obvious power shining through. Her dress is a soft lavender-pink color with one short sleeve on her right shoulder. Her green wings have the occasional pink, purple, and yellow colors. "Spring." I croak.

She smiles and stands by Chaos. Next is Leo. The second most powerful season. A yellow light enters into hiS chest and he smiles.

Before I know it, a tall man stands before me. His hair is blond and eyes are oddly yellow. He wears yellow plated armor and has pure golden wings. He walks over and Chaos smiles at me. An icy blue ball is created and shoved into me.

I want to scream. The cold hurts like Hades. The power flood me and before I know it, I'm standing. I glance in the light shrouding me and I see my reflection. I have snow white hair and unnatural icy blue eyes that radiated power. My armor is white with icy undertones. My wings are icy blue with white inner feathers. Winter I thought. I am Winter.

I walk out of the light and the rest of the seasons' faces were priceless. Chaos smiles proudly at me. "Now, my seasons, go and take your places and watch over you spots of the Earth. Enjoy the immortality my darlings." And with that, I'm zapped to China. This is where my journey began.

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