Chapter 4

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Annabeth's POV

"So you're the one?!" Thalia exclaims.

"Maybe. On a totally unrelated note, you need to get a better alarm system." Winter smiles.

I know that smile, it's all too familiar. It almost looks like him.


Dean and I just started dating a thousand years ago. Dean got immortality after defeating a empousi without any training. I just took the offer for immortality a month ago and Dean and I were a perfect match.

I was kissing Dean one day in the arena when I hear footsteps. I pull away and see a heartbroken Percy. I explain that I moved on and anger filled his eyes. "Fine!" He screams and throws a beautiful black velvet box.

I open it and it's a ring to rival all others. Celestial bronze and imperial gold swirled together, coming to a stop when a green stone takes the center. It was beautiful. "Percy!" I call, but he continues to run.

  I heard that Jason, Frank, and Calypso broke it up with the others and we hung out. By the time dinner came, I had gotten glares from 26 different Aphrodite girls.

We walk into the great hall and everyone goes silent. The Aphrodite table is empty, which is surprising. Finally, two boys in royal blue t-shirts come and take four trays of food. I stop them. "Why are you taking the food?" I ask.

They glare at me. "Because of you and your other three friends." The girl on the left explains. As if that made any since. They take them and no one stops them.

"I heard that Percy has been bawling his eyes out all day." I heard an Athena boy whisper.

I sit by Dean and we kiss. Who even cares about Percy anymore?

End Flashback

Percy would be dead, stop thinking about that. This Winter character thinks he's all that. Thalia gives him a glare that would make Jason run crying, but it didn't seem to phase him.

"Nobody has annoyed me that much in a thousand years." She notes, tears welling in her eyes.

Winter looks panicked. "I'm sorry, did I do something?" He asks.

"No, no. I just remembered a cousin. He ran away a thousand years ago. He never said goodbye." Thalia starts to break down. Spring and Fall are the first ones to go and comfort her. How can she still care for that pathetic excuse for a boyfriend?

Winters POV

I feel bad for making Thalia cry. Nico starts to sniffle a little from the shadows. When Spring and Fall go to comfort her, I also walk over.

The camp has went about their day, taking no interest in this. I hug her, which she's surprised about. I whisper in her ear the sentence that she wished to hear from me before I vanished. "I should've said goodbye."

She looks up at me with a confused look across her face. I smile at her and realization spreads across her face. Before she can say anything, I put a finger to my mouth, signaling her to stay silent.

Annabeth and Dean are still here along with Jason, Frank, Calypso, and Nico. I scowl at Dean and we walk away into our section of the woods. Thalia goes in front of me. "Percy?" She asks.

I smile and we hug. "But-how-why?" She asks.

"Well, when we left, Chaos found us nearly dead after the Minotaur and the Hydra attacked. She gave us the job to become protectors of the Earth, and here we are. Protecting."

Thalia smiled. "Who's we?"

"Thalia, you remember when I left with Leo, Hazel, and Piper?" I ask.

"Yeah..." Her face lights up again. "You mean they are the others?!" She exclaims.

I nod. Summer lands beside me. "Leo!" Thalia exclaims.

He laughs. Eventually, we all catch up and meet one another. This reunion consisted of tight hugs and buckets of tears (all from Thalia. Yeah. Thalia...).

Just as we were about to head back, Annabeth walks over from the boarder. "Thalia, what are you doing with them?" She asks in a snooty tone.

I try to step forward but Thalia stops me. She looks into my eyes and gives a don't-do-this look. "I was trying to get to know our protectors."

"Well, we have dinner soon so hurry it up," she orders.

As she walks off, I lean in and whisper, "I nearly forgot how bossy she is."

Thalia snickers. "Yeah, It's only gotten worse since you went away."

I feel a smile tug at my lips. "Let's go to the mess hall. Be ready. Tomorrow, we are starting training."

I see her fake a groan. "Oh no! Training?" She exaggerates her sarcasm.

"Come on," I laugh.

We all make our way to the dining pavilion. Sadly, Thalia departs to join the Hunters and we depart to our own rotting table.

I don't eat anything. It honestly didn't look appetizing to me today. Summer is the only one who inhales the camp food.

"I'm gonna take a walk, okay. I'll be back in an hour or so." I say.

They nod and I walk out of the mess hall. I head down to the lake and pause. The lake looked so grey and dull, as if all the life left it. I couldn't step in it or my father would know. That traitor. He preferred Dean over me. I was the one who saved Olympus. Twice. I went on tons of quests to ensure the safety of this camp and so they wouldn't destroy the world.

I shake my head, trying to rid myself of the horrible memory. Dad had said I was his favorite just to turn around and say Dean was a true hero. He even disowned me, taking away my powers.

I let out a breath and continue to pace around the shoreline. Now he's loosing sleep over me. I almost laugh. Now he misses me? After all this time?

I walk towards the forest and find the other seasons. I needed rest, and more time to figure out what I'm going to do about Kronos, Gaea, and End.

I may be a powerful season, but not nearly powerful enough to stop all three.


Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry for the super long wait! I've been having trouble with some writers block and I've been busy with school, but I hope to write more chapters from now on and attempt to be more frequent.

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