Chapter 7

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Percy POV

I enter the mess hall after learning how to change my appearance and find the other seasons. Once I sit down, I feel an empty feeling that begins to hurt my stomach.

Was this hunger?

Suddenly, some pancakes appear and nobody seems to take any notice. I change my mind to blue pancakes and devour them without a second thought. Nobody seemed to notice me at all, which I was honestly fine with.

"Man, I haven't seen you eat like that since the dark ages." Summer says. The dark ages were referencing our previous time here at camp. Don't think I would defend the camp quite yet. I was still learning how to make peace with the memories.

I shrug. "I just wanted some pancakes."

I eat until I can't eat anymore. The pancakes tasted better than I remember them. The taste brought back sweet memories that I had tried to suppress.

Like when my mom can home from her job at the candy store with blue jellybean a waiting for me, or when she would laugh at anything I did or said.

"Winter? Are you okay? You look upset." Spring asks, concerned.

I nod. "I-I'm just gonna be right back." I stand and walk out of the pavilion, leaving my very confused friends behind.

I wander around the forest until I come to my spot. It was a secret little cove hidden underneath a grove of twisted tree trunks. Usually the water there was crystal, but now it was a dull grey.

I sit on the little beach that lined the water and changed my appearance back to the original me. I lean over the water, debating whether or not to test Hydros' blessing or not. It has been 1000 years since I've touched water and I'm wary that it will end up attracting my father's attention.

Suddenly, a cloud of blue smoke appears and Hydros himself walks out of it. "Perseus, trust my blessing. Why do you doubt me?"

"I'm sorry, lord. I haven't touched the water in 1000 years. I understand that you've given me immunity to my father's awareness, but I... What's the name? My stomachs all tied up in knots and I'm shaky."

Hydros laughs. "You're scared? Not to worry, for I will help you get over this irrational fear of yours."

He holds out his gloved hand to me and I take it. He leads me to the shoreline and I stop at the edge of the water. I look up at him. "Are you sure that this is going to work?"

"You are a son of Poseidon, even if he's disowned you, you are still related by blood. You are telling me that the son of the sea god has a fear of water?"

I nod. "Yes. I'll admit that I am scared, okay?"

He laughs. "Come on. I have more power over him. I can override his powers any day. Please just come in."

I lift up on shaky leg and dip one toes in, leading to the rest of my leg. The water surrounding me turns blue only for a brief moment before returning to the dull grey.

I continue to walk towards him, remembering how shallow the cove water truly was. "Hydros, do you think-?"

He nods knowingly and with a flick of his wrist, turn the water a brilliant crystal color that I had grown to love. "This is now the only water on the planet that is blue, for your father turned it all grey. Keep it a secret. If you finally feel the need to reveal yourself to your father, just let me know."

I thank him and he disappears.

I let out a laugh that burned like Leo's fire. The pain felt good in my chest until I could no longer feel it. I flop into the pool of water and begin forming fun shapes and animals with the water.

It felt cool to my touch and the freshness smelled wonderful. It was something I had forgotten to that I loved to do.

Nobody bothered me for awhile. After all, nobody knew this place existed until I fell into it before the Giant War. The more time I spend in the water, the more my mind begins to drift. It drifts back to when we had found Nico and Bianca at the dance.

I laugh as I remember how much of a Seaweed Brain I truly was. Asking the girl next to me who I should dance with. Running away from camp to join a quest. Throwing space ice cream into the Neiman Lion's mouth.

My laugh turns into a smile as I remember how Nico asked if I was able to surf and how many attack points Zeus' Master Bolt has.

The smile turns into a sad one as I remember how Bianca sacrificed herself for us and Nico's reaction to her act.

I had held the weight of the sky, but nothing could prepare me to hold in my emotions. I cried until I could cry no more. My sobs loud and hard as I added to the water level. I realized how hard healing can truly be.

Third Person's POV

The sea green eyed boy sat there for many hours, not wanting to face the reality of what was currently going on. His friends were searching for him but eventually gave up and returned to their duties, training the campers and so on. Thalia became worried but believed in Percy while Annabeth didn't even think about the son of Poseidon that she had betrayed so long ago.

Nico, on the other hand, was deciding whether or not to trust these newcomers or not, for he had seen and felt betrayal before. He did not want to suffer anymore. When Percy left, it left him emotionally damaged on the inside and only worsened and he realized that his only true hero would never return.

Percy got up and escaped his paradise to the harsh world he longed to disappear from again. He had relived so many memories, both good and bad.

The burning sensation in his chest was simply a warm spark that was just beginning catch fire. If the flame is caught, then he has finally forgiven himself.

But we will soon realize that forgiving oneself is not as easy as it sounds.

But for now, Percy, now disguised as Winter, heads back into camp, with his heart slowly piecing back together with every step.

Hey guys!

I updated quickly! I'm surprised in myself.

Just something short and I'm hoping to get into the action soon.

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