Chapter 9

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Percy POV

My dreams were plagued with monstrous plans and devilish figures. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear them, only watch as they torture a poor kid for information. Then the scene shifted and I was in a throne room with the primordials.

"Perseus! What happened?" Chaos demands.

"Typhoeus lead the army into Camp Half-Blood, m'lady. With the help of Zeus, we were able to destroy him."

"Don't be modest, boy," Nyx smiles. "You beat him. And that's the truth."

"But I doubt that he's actually gone," I say, catching everyone's attention.

"How so?" Hemera asks.

"He went down so easily and just disappeared? It just sounds fishy."

Hydros looks about ready to laugh at my pun. I couldn't help but smirk.

"You did well, boy. We are all cheering you on." Nyx says.

"But why did I pass out? Do the others know who I am?" I ask.

Chaos approaches me. "You passed out because you brought together two forces that must forever remain separate. Darkness and light cannot coexist. Yet somehow, you did it. It did more damage than you think, Perseus."

I nod. "And what of the others."

The whole room tenses up. "They know that you have returned, but nothing more. When you wake up, it will be very stressful."

I groan. "Can't I just stay asleep?"

She chuckles. "I wish, my champion. But alas, you destiny waits on the battle field." With a wave of her fingers, I'm met with darkness.

I could feel my fingers and my toes, but I couldn't quite move yet. I heard sniffles and someone's weight on the bed. My finger twitched.

The sniffling stopped and this time, I tried to open my eyes. I groan and my eyes snap open, revealing the camp infirmary. "He's awake!" Will yells as the beeping increases volume.

I lift up my arms and rub my face. "How long was I out?" I ask.

"Two days," Will answers.

I smirk weakly. "Must be a record."

I pull myself upward and examine the room. Curtains are pulled in all different directions as the other Healers have stopped there work to see me. "What am I, a celebrity?" I ask, jokingly.

"Pretty much," another Healer says.

I shift uncomfortably and Will helps me out of bed. I limp around until my leg fully heals. Will leads me past the other sections of kids getting treatment and outside. "PERCY!" Grover yells as he trots over towards me.

"Hey Grover," I smile. He gives me a man hug and takes over for Will.

As soon as he is out of sight, Grover begins the questions. "Where have you been? What have you been up to? Why haven't you IM'd me?!"

"Slow down, dude. I've been with Chaos protecting the Earth and I've just hadn't had the time.

"PERCY!" A deep voice bellows. I'm engulfed in a giant bear hug and laugh.

"Hey big guy," I say, patting Tyson on the arm. His one brown eye twinkles with happiness. "How are the forges?"

He jumps up and down. "We get to build large swords and large fork!" He exclaims.

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