Chapter 4

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I decided to go talk to my band mates. I met up with them at the Starbucks I went to on the first day of being here. I saw them from the window. They were all there, Fin, Kinz, and Grace. Kinz is pale with black boy short hair. Grace is African American with beautiful long black curls and Fin is pale with very short, curly red hair. "Hey guys." I spoke calmly. "What's up?" asks Fin. "Nothing much. I have a place to stay. With some... friends." I decided to say. "Oh thank god, I was so worried you would be stuck on a bench." Says Kinz. I unknowingly give off a confused look. "What's wrong?" Grace wonders. I sigh. "Ever since we got into the show, you guys have always treated me like... that." I say as I point to roadkill on the road. "Ew what the fuck?" says a disgusted looking Fin. "What animal is that anyway? A bunny? Racoon? Or maybe a-" "FOCUS FIN!" I whisper yell. "Look I just wanna know why you guys are treating me like a piece of crap!" They all look at each other. "Look, we only treated you like that because last year you were complaining that you wanted more independence." Explains Grace. "You wanted to compose your own bass lines, you wanted to carry your own bass everywhere instead of our boyfriends getting it. So we listened." "You could have told me! You know how good my memory is!" I say. "And what about my $3000 dollar bass!? You guys smashed that!" I yell. "You mean the Fall Out Boy one? We didn't do that. I bet it was that girl who hated us. You know, the one who looked like Grace from behind?" Kinz explains. "We didn't know it got smashed, we just thought you didn't wanna risk breaking it so you sent it home. Guess we were wrong." "I guess I was wrong for assuming you guys did it." I say in a quiet tone. "I guess I consider you guys friends again. But if you let me get more independence, let me know first." I say. They all nod and we then order our food. We all got some steep tea with an apple turnover. "So, what do you plan on doing now?" I ask. They all shrug. "I guess we should get some gigs and perform whenever we can." Grace suggests. Just as we are discussing our future, I get a text from Ross. You should come on back because we have a something to ask you. I respond; Okay, I'll be over in a bit. " Guys I gotta go, my friends need me for something. Bye!" I say. I grab my tea and head out the door.

I head to the Grump office. They greet me as I walk in. They motion me over to one of the computer desks. Without saying a word, they show me the screen to reveal my own Grump head! It has me unhealthy pale complexion, my purple half shaven head with my big "hipster" glasses and my signature skull bandanna over my mouth. "You're going to be on Grumpcade with Danny, then Ross." Arin informs me. I smile from ear to ear. "Wow! Thanks! This is awesome. You remembered what I wore on stage. They never showed my face on camera. How did you see it?" I ask. "It was my favorite outfit of yours! I want to recreate it some day." Says Suzy. "Thanks. I picked it out myself. I have the complete thing packed in my bag if you want to try it on?" I say. "Really? Oh my god I'll put it on now if you don't mind?" She says ecstatically. "Go ahead you crazy kid." I say and motion her a dismiss. "What do you wanna play?" Danny asks. "Well I brought along my PS Vita. We could play one of my favorite games, Tearaway." I say. "I've never heard of it?" He says. I shake my head. "Thought so. You will just have to find out!" I say. Barry figures out how to record the Vita screen. Dan is amazed by this game and we record the whole 4-5 hours of gameplay in one sitting.

In the last moments of the game I start to get emotional. "atoi no!" I say in a blubbering tone. Dan giggles at me and I smack his legs. The game is over and I let out a big huff. "Well, that happened." I say as the credits roll. "This is one of my favorite games ever and the only good one on the Vita. The OST is amazing, sometimes I just casually listen to it. Especially the song at the really depressing point." I say. "At exactly what depressing point? You yelled 'NOOO' like 15 times." Danny says as we giggle. "The part with the lost messenger. That was sad as fuck." I say. We wrap up the recording. "Later you're recording with Ross." Dan says as we leave the recording room. "I know!" I inform. "Oh by the way..." Dan pauses in the middle of his comment "Here is your bass back!" He returns it, still in its amazing condition. "Thanks dude!" I say. "You're welcome. Since when did you say dude?" Danny asks. I look at him, unimpressed. "Always. How would you know what I usually say? We just met yesterday you buttnut!" I say. "Oh yeah... buttnut?" He asks while laughing. "What's so funny?" Arin asks while just walking in. "I called Dan a buttnut." I say casually. Arin is trying not to giggle but fails. "What does that even mean?" He asks while giggling. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" I yell. "Ash!" Ross calls. "I head over to him. "Are you ready to record?" he asks. "Yep!" I say.

I'm in a Band, okay? (Game Grumps fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now