Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

“Cheryl?” Kimberley called as she walked into the kitchen.

It had been two days since they’d got back together, and Cheryl had barely left the flat, other than nipping home to get some clothes. Kimberley had only had to work for the first day, and since then she’d spent every minute with Cheryl. They were still taking things slowly, but Kimberley’s trust in Cheryl was increasing, and she was starting to believe that Cheryl honestly meant it when she’d said she was going to be with her forever.

Cheryl turned around when she heard Kimberley address her.

“I accidentally knocked over your handbag,” Kimberley explained as she held something in her hand, “And I found something which I lost a little while ago...”

Cheryl realised what Kimberley was talking about when she saw the lipstick she’d held up.

“It’s mine, right? Why have you got it?” Kimberley asked with a confused smile when she saw a guilty expression on Cheryl’s face.

“Um...well you left it at my house.” Cheryl replied, not wanting to own up to the fact that she’d actually been carrying it around with her everywhere.

“I’d forgotten about it, thanks for bringing it back.”

“Actually, do you think I can keep it?” Cheryl wasn’t sure why she didn’t want to part with it now Kimberley was back in her life anyway, but it felt too special to just let go of.

“Do you like it? I’ve not seen you wear it. I’ll buy you a new one then,” Kimberley smiled.

“No, I want that one.” Cheryl felt sillier by the second, especially when Kimberley looked at her as though she was missing a peg or two.

“Why?!” Kimberley laughed.

“It’s means...” Cheryl turned back around to the washing up she had been doing. “Never mind.”

Kimberley walked over and stood behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist.

“What is it?”

Cheryl sighed and put down the plate she’d been scrubbing. “Since I, you know, broke up with you,” She winced as she spoke but carried on. “I’ve kind of kept that lipstick with me all the time, it made me feel like a part of you was with me. I know it’s stupid, I’m being silly. You keep it.” She picked up the plate again and continued scrubbing, feeling her cheeks getting slightly warm.

Kimberley lifted her hand to Cheryl’s cheek and gently turned her face to the side before leaning around and kissing her. She smiled once they’d parted, and slipped the lipstick into the pocket of Cheryl’s jeans without saying a word, but showing that she understood. She found a cloth and proceeded to dry up the things Cheryl had washed, both sharing glances and smiles with each other. The comfortable silence was interrupted by Cheryl’s phone ringing.

“Sorry,” Cheryl said as she pulled her phone out of her back pocket. “I told Hillary not to call me unless there was a very good reason... I better take this.” She gave Kimberley a quick peck on the lips before leaving the kitchen and answering her phone.

Kimberley turned back to the drying up rack, unable to stop smiling. She continued to dry up and then tidy the kitchen while Cheryl was in the living room. She couldn’t hear what Cheryl was saying, but she could hear her voice getting louder. She waited until the call was over and wandered into the living room to find Cheryl perched on the edge of the sofa, fumbling with her phone in her hands.

“Are you ok?” Kimberley asked as she walked over to her.

Cheryl looked up at Kimberley, clearly troubled by something. Kimberley felt panic fleeting through her when she saw the worry in Cheryl’s eyes.

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