The new transfere student

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The photo is Akane!
Akane stood on the field looking onto the run down building that was to be her new classroom. This was E-class, where the students that had bad grades go but there was also a secret that the students on the main campus didn't know. E-class had a very special teacher, a teacher that had the power to blow up have the moon and planned to do the same to the earth next March. Unless of course the students that he taught managed to kill him before then. It all seemed pretty weird to Akane. Why ask a bunch of untrained kids to take care of the task? The reason for that was no explained to Akane, all she knew what that there was crazy money going for this kill and she had been sent by her Father to do the deed. Only problem was Akane wasn't much of a killer. She had been until a few weeks ago. She had been a cold blooded assassin that went by the name of 'the scarlett killer.' She made grown men cower in fear but then there was the accident. And now? Now it was like she was too different people. One was kind and gentle, the other was deadly and someone no one wanted to meet. A large injury to the head had been what caused the strange personality split. The term 'split' was of course used loosely since the Akane that lived before didn't have a kind and gentle side, that other personality had kind of been born after the accident and because of that she had no memories. Killer and not killer shared the same body but nothing else, not memories, not minds nothing. Now the non killer was supposed to kill a teacher? How exactly was she doing to do that? Akane guessed it was all because of her Father. One of the most famous assassins of all time. He had wanted a son but instead he got a daughter, either way he treated his daughter like a son. Trained her to become an assassin all her life, not letting anyone tel her that she could be anything else. And her Mother? Dead but the details of her death where un known to the kind Akane, those memories belonged to the killer. That was how kind Akane thought of her counter part, just as 'the killer.' Neither of them liked the other and both wished the other gone but that was hard to do when your sharing the same body as someone you hate. Akane sighed and hoisted her bag onto her shoulder a little more and walked up to the front door of the classroom. She opened the door to see class had already started and stood at the front teaching it was a yellow octopus like thing.

"Ah, you must be Miss Akane Hayashi." He said cheerfully. Akane flashed him a smile ad walked futher into the classroom feeling many pairs of eyes on her.

"I am indeed Sir." She said holding out a hand. The teacher took it and shook it lightly.

"Please call me Koro-sensei. Class this is your new classmate Akane Hayashi." He said addressing them. Akane bowed her head low to the other students.

"It a pleasure to meet you all." She said quickly.

"She's so cute." Said a male member of the class. Akane stood back up and saw that it was Taiga Okajima who had said it. She flashed a smile at him which made many of the boys hearts skip a beat. Her cropped black hair and bright green eyes gave her an innocent and pretty look.

"Now class Miss Hayashi here is actually a skilled assassin already even at the age of 14." Said Koro-sensei.

"What!?!" Exclaimed pretty much everyone in the class. There was no way that the cute girl they saw before them was a professional assassin.

"It's not however all that simple. Do you wish to explain yourself Miss Hayashi?" 

"Oh um sure...well three months ago I went on a mission the details are hazy but generally I was caught up in a large explosion. The impact of that explosion caused a large head wound and I was in hospital for quite some time. However when I did awaken things went the same as they were before. The injuries had caused a 'personality split,' where one is me and the other that sleeps within me is the killer. In a way you could say that I'm not a killer since as she and don't share any memories at all. We're too different people that simply share a body. I was sent here by my Father to complete this job, I say 'I' what I really mean is her. I myself have no hope of killing anything at all."

"I'm sure that will change over time but ether way class Miss Hayashi is still recovering from her accident so we must be gentle with her for the time being. We don't want her getting hurt at all. Please feel free to take a seat." Sad Koro-sensei.

"Thank you Koro-sensei." She said bowing slightly to him. Then he turned back towards the board and began where he left off. Akane walked to the back of the room, looking a all her new classmates who watched her too on the way. Then she locked eyes with a boy right at the back. He had his hands behind his head like he wasn't paying attention. He had red hair and pale orange coloured eyes. His face remained expressionless as he looked at her. Karma Akabane the strongest in the class, managed to injury Koro-sensei on their first meeting, the first student it to be able to do such a thing. Akane said the information in her head like she was reading it from a book. She had memorised all the information she had been given on all her new classmates. She silently took a seat next to him on the empty desk, taking a glance to the machine  beside there. She had been told about that, she was a killing machine otherwise know as Ritsu by the rest of the class. The purpled haired girl on the screen smiled and waved at her. Akane smiled and waved back before turning to face the front to pay attention to her strange new teacher...

"Well class I'm off to China for some noddles." Said Koro-sensei as he stood next to the window. Then all of a sudden he was gone from the spot leaving a powerful gust of wind that made the class cover their faces for protecting against it. After he had gone the class began to mingle, some even came over to Akane's desk to meet the new girl in person.

"Hi, I'm Yūma Isogai the class representative." Said a black haired boy cheerily.

"It's nice to meet you." Said Akane with another bow.

"You don't have to keep doing that you know." He said with a small blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah it's kind of weird." Said a green haired girl appearing beside him with a blue haired boy just behind him.

"Kaede Kayano, the one to name Koro-sensei and Nagisa Shoito, the one to write down all the targets weaknesses no matter how small the might seem right?" She said.

"You already know our names?" Nagisa quesioned and Akane nodded.

"I memorised them all. I thought it would be better if I knew the names of the people I was going to be in the same class as."

"Wow, beautiful and smart." Said Taiga.

"Taiga Okajima, excellent with a camera but also the class pervert." Said Akane casually. A few in the class laughed.

"You got that right." Said a blonde that Akane knew as Rio Nakamura.

"That's not funny." Said Taiga clearly embarrassed. 

"Oh no, I didn't mean to offend you in any way." Said Akane. I'm so sorry." She said.

"Don't worry about it." He said brushing it off like it was nothing.

"So let me get this straight you have no memories of your past?" Asked Nagisa.

"That's right. I know of where this body comes from, that information was given to me but I don't have any memories since they belong to the other one." She explained.

"It's going to get confusing if we keep referring to her as the other one. We should give her a seperate name." Said Kaede thinking about it.

"I tend to just refer to her as 'the killer.'" Said Akane.

"No we should call her Chi, that means blood in Japanese." She said. Many nodded agreeing that it as a good name.

"Okay, Chi it is then." Said Akane with a smile.

"If I were you I wouldn't be so fouled by this act. Teach did just tell us that this girls a killer." Said Karma moving thought the crowd and leaning into Akane, peering at her closely. Akane's face became red at his closeness.

"Don't be mean Karma." Said Rio.

"Yeah Akane's not the killer Chi is." Added Kaede.

"Alright." Said Karma standing up straight and shrugging his shoulders. "If she kills you don't say I didn't warn you." He said before walking out of the classroom...

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