A terrifing memory

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Akane stood up after Koro-sensei left for lunch. She heard a clatter next to her and saw her phone had fallen out of her pocket. She sighed and bent to pick it up but she was beaten to it by another hand. Akane looked up from the floor at the person who had pocked it up. Karma stood above her with a smirk on his face.

"You knew you actually have a phone?" He said flipping it open. "Password, let's see..." Akane stood up and watched his try to work it out. "You should have told me you had a phone, I would have given you my number." Akane blushed.

"Well that's not really mine...it's Chi's and I..."

"You can't work out the password?" He finished for her. Akane nodded. "I don't see why it was pretty easy." He said showing her the unlocked screen.

"How did you do that?" She asked him with admiration in her eyes. Karma laughed slightly.

"It's not hard to think like someone like Chi." He said and then he went into her contacts. "Hey you only have one number in here. Guys Akane only has one number in her phone." He called out to the class. Akane's face became a deeper shade of red.

"Don't tell them that." She said reaching for the phone but Karma easily dodged her.

"I'll give her mine." Called out Kaede coming over and taking the phone for Karma. She typed in her number quickly.

"She can have mine too." Said Nagisa.

"And mine." Said Rio. Soon there were many people putting their numbers in her phone. Akane watched as Manami, Kanzaki, Tomohito, Isogai and pretty mush the whole class give Akane their numbers. Karma was the one to give her her phone back.

"Thanks Karma." She said with smile.

"Mine's in there too. Call me anytime." He said putting his hands behind his head. Akane smiled.

"I'll keep you to that." She said.

"Come with me to get some lunch." He said and then walked off. Akane quickly followed him out of the classroom.

"So where exactly are we going?" She asked him.

"There's a small place around here that's real good. I was thinking about going there." Akane thought about the packed lunch in her bag in the classroom. She had made it last night before she went to bed. She and Karma walked into town together, through the crowded streets. As she looked around at the crowded streets she had a strange feeling she had been there before. She felt a sharp pain in her head and clutched at it. The image around her faded and suddenly she was in a crowded street just like the one she had left, the faces of the people walking by were blurry, in her hands she could feel something small and cold. A knife, she concealed it inside the long black coat she was wearing. It looked like it was winter time and snow covered the ground. Was this Christmas? There were happy families walking around, coupled holding each other for warmth but she was alone. She stopped for a second and watched as a small girl jumped into the arms of her Father. The Mother stood by watching with a smile on her face. The images seemed to get to her, it seemed to make her heart ache, why was that? She shook her head and kept moving, where was she going? It was then that she laid eyes on a man, he looked like he was in his mid 30's. He wore a long black coat and a hat to cover his eyes. Akane looked around her and then moved towards him. She kept to the shadows making sure she wasn't seen and followed the strange man down an alley way, moving away from the busy street. Perfect, she thought her voice echoing inside her head. Perfect for what? Akane thought, what was happening? She had no control over her body it was as if this was...a memory. Was that was this was? A memory? Did that mean this was Chi's? She continued to follow the man down the alleyway. If that was true then that meant that she was...no Akane didn't want to see that. The man stopped and looked around like he knew someone was there but he didn't see her. She was too concealed by the shadows. The man turned but didn't move. Akane watched as her body moved without her telling it too. She ran up behind the man and brought the knife from her side. She jabbed it into the side of the man's neck like a cobra striking it's opponent. Blood spilled from his neck splattering on her face and then he fell to the floor with a soft thud and the white snow was drenched red with his blood. Akane snapped out of it, people were still all around her, she was shivering and shaking all over. She reached her hand out in front of her and grabbed the hem of Karma's shirt. Karma looked around at her feeling the tug on his back.

"Karma..." She said quietly. Karma turned around.

"What's wrong?" He asked her. Akane stepped forward into his arms and hugged him, seeking comfort. Karma wrapped his arms around her and just held her in the middle of the busy street. "You gonna tell me what's up?" He said in her ear.

"It's nothing...I-I'm fine...I just saw something...a-a memory of Chi's I think. It was horrid sh-she killed a man."

"Well it's not surprising, she is an assassin after all." He said.

"Yeah I guess but still...it was like I was the one killing him."

"You know that your in E class to kill the octopus right?"

"I know but I guess I always thought Chi would be the one to do that. I mean look at me Karma, I can't kill him. I don't have the skill and even if I did I din't think I could bring myself to do it. I'm weak I know I am."

"They use that to your advantage." He said.

"Wait what?" Akane asked looking up at him.

"Think about everything you've been taught so far. All the things that Professor Bitch told you yesterday about you being cute and stuff. Koro-sensei probably thinks that you're the least likely to kill him in the class, in a way your invisible to him. He doesn't think of your as a killer, that's your advantage."

"You think?"

"Course I do. Come on, the shop will close soon and we gotta get back. I don't wanna miss any of the action between professor Bitch and Mr K."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2015 ⏰

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