Chi vs Karma

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Akane fell to the ground for the hundredth time and looked up at Karma who just smiled down at her, doing fancy tricks with the knife. She hadn't even come close to touching it, let alone taking it from him. In truth she was getting annoyed, why was it so hard? The theory was so simple but she simple didn't have the strength to go up against Karma. She was also very aware of Mr Karasuma looking over at her from time to time, probably to check that she was still her and not Chi. Luckily it hadn't come to that ad that was the way she planned to keep it all though if she continued to feel frustrated like this then Chi might make and appearance anyway. No, she couldn't let that happen. She had almost killed Ryoma yesterday and it would look really bad if she let Chi take control of her two days in a row. Still she was thinking about just letting Chi take over, at least she would be able to get the damn knife from Karma but then she wouldn't have achieved anything because she wouldn't have got the knife from him, Chi would have.

"Ready to give up yet?" Karma asked her.

"You wish." She said standing up. "I'm not giving up until I have the knife." She said confidently.

"Why not just let Chi take over for a bit?" He asked her.

"That's what you want isn't it? You just want to test yourself against her, that's why you swapped partners with Tomohito."

"Took you long enough to work out. Chi is the only one in this class that would provide me with a challenge."

"So what you want me to just let her take control?"

"Pretty much."

"She would kill you."

"Don't think killing me is gonna be that easy."

"I'm not going to do it. It would put everyone else her at risk too."

"I can always make her come out."

"As if you know how."

"Oh I do. Did I not mention? Chi kind of told us all the trick to awaking her yesterday. I just have to make you fear for your life or make you bleed."

"You wouldn't." She said fearing taking over her, Karma smirked.

"Wouldn't I?" Akane frowned, if she could just get that knife he might change his mind. She charged, putting everything she had into the movements but still it wasn't enough. Karma smirked like her efforts were amusing to him and then he let her fall to the ground. Akane fell and scraped her knee on the ground.

"Ow." She said lifting it up to see it. It wasn't a deep cut but like all shallow cuts on the surface it began to bleed a lot. Karma stood above her smirking, Akane looked up at him. She was scared of him, the look on his face said that he was planning to kill her. Then Akane felt the same sharp pain in her head as she did yesterday. She clutched it. "No, no please not again." But it was too late, her efforts to send Chi back into a sleep were useless. Akane's green eyes changed colour become the deep red ones that belonged to Chi. A few students had turned to see what she going on. Mr Karasuma went to go over to break up the fight that was about to happen when a yellow tentacle stopped him in his tracks.

"Karma asked for this, let him see the power of a true assassin. It will be a good lesson for him to learn now rather than later." Said Koro-sensei. Chi slowly stood up and lifted her head to turned her red eyes on Karma who was still smirking confidently.

"So you think you have what it takes to beat me huh?" She said in a cold voice.

"As if its going to be hard. You might easily win against someone like Ryoma but he and I are on completely different levels."

"I know that. I can see your much stronger than he is, however you are still no match for me. You don't have nearly enough skill, you might be able to take down most people with a few powerful punches but you aren't a trained fighter like I am. Power is not everything when it comes to battle but if you still think you have a chance then go right ahead. Attack me with everything you've got I won't hold back but just don't complain to me if you die." She said with an evil smirk. Karma put his knife away.

"I wouldn't want you to hold back anyway." He said as he clenched his fists. Chi smiled and then waited, Karma was the one to throw the first punch. At the last second Chi moved to the side and his fist threw straight past her face but Karma's reflexes were almost as fast as her own and he changed direction, aiming to elbow her in the face. Chi sighed like she was bored and then placed  her left hand up on the right side of her face and stopped Karma's elbow like it was nothing. Karma glared at her as she watched him from the corner of her eye. He jumped back and looked her and down, he couldn't predict her movements. She just stood there, like she wasn't even in the middle of a fight at all.

"Where are that fighting talk down now? Come on, that's not all of it right?" She said gesturing for him to come and get it with two of her fingers. Karma clenched his teeth together, she was really getting on his nerves. Karma threw another punch towards her face but she caught it with her left hand, Karma smiled her expected that much and he went to punch her in the stomach with his free hand. Chi grabbed the hand that was coming towards her and flung it out to the side exposing Karma's stomach. Still holding onto his fist with her left she took her right and placed it around the back of his neck. She pushed his head down bringing her knee up to meet his stomach as the same time. Using her knee as a surface she continued to push on the back of his head, flipping him over completely. He landed on the floor, his head by her feet looking up a her with wide eyes. Chi smiled and then stepped over him, placing one foot on either side of his body ad then she sat down on his chest. She weighted next to nothing so that was the problem, the problem was that Karma had been beaten in front for the whole class so easily and by a girl no less. A girl that is normally sweet and completely helpless. "Wow look at the big badass Karma now. Lying on the ground looking all shocked, it's kind of cute in a way." Said Chi resting her elbows on her knees and her head on her hands, peering down at him. "I told you you were no match for me. You're strong and you've got some skill but you lost before we even started because you underestimated me. That was by far you biggest downfall but this was fun. We should do it again some time just me and you." Said Chi with an evil glint in her eyes. Then Ryoma and his small group of people came pushing through the crowd to see what she going on. "Ah, look who turned up. It's the asshole from yesterday." She said still sitting on Karma. She didn't look like she planned to get up any time soon. The sitting on him was about dominance, she was simply completely dominating Karma and she did it like it was no big deal. It was that that made the rest of the class realise just how dangerous Chi was. Sure they knew she was a professional assassin and that was scary in itself but they didn't realise exactly what she was capable of until they saw her sitting on the chest of the most powerful student in class E.

"You..." Said Ryoma as his fists clenched in anger.

"Aw, look you're all angry. That's adorable." She said in a very patronising way. "Just because I didn't kill you yesterday don't think that I cant or that I won't. You ever try to lay your filthy hands on me again and I'll cut it off." She said with a sadistic smile.

"I think this has gone on long enough children." Said Koro-sensei knowing things were getting a little out of hand. Chi sighed and stood up.

"This was getting boring anyway." She said beginning to walk away, leaving Karma laying on the floor glaring up at the clouds. Chi suddenly stopped, her eyes becoming wide then they turned green and she collapsed jst like she had done yesterday...

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