To be happy

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The next day Akane arrived at school early, she was determined not to be late like she had been yesterday. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she stood looking at the floor outside the closed door leading to her classroom. She was nervous, how would they all react to her now they had seen Chi? Wold they not like her? Her mind travelled back to what Karma had said to her yesterday.

"You gonna stand there all day?" Asked the voice of Karma from behind her. Akane whipped around to see him drinking another juice box, he seemed to like them.

"Oh no, sorry."

"Stop apologising." He said walking past her and opening the door to the classroom. Some people turned to see who it was. Karma confidently walked to his seat at the back of the class. Akane nervously entered after him.

"Morning Akane." Said Kaede with a wave. No one seemed to be uncomfortable around her, they smiled and gave her a little wave.

"Good morning." Akane replied with a bright smile. She walked up to her and Nagisa who was sat at his desk.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked.

"I perfectly fine thank you."

"You really gave us a scare when you just collapsed like that." Said Isogai.

"Sorry." Said Akane and then she glanced at Karma who was looking up at the ceiling by himself. She remembered what he had said. "I mean, I'm not sorry." She said trying to fix it. Isogai gave here a slightly confused look and then they all felt a large gust of wind as Koro-sensei appeared.

"Good morning class." He said and then laid eyes of Akane. "Ah, I'm glad to see your feeling better Miss Hayashi."

"If you don't mind Koro-sensei could you call me by my name? It's just Miss Hayashi seems kind of formal."

"If you wish then I am more than happy to oblige now into your seats please." He said. Akane smiled at Nagisa and then went to sit in her own place with Karma just too her right and Ritsu to her left. "Alright you may fire away, I'll just be taking the register." He said as green stripes appeared on his face.

"What's with the green stripes?" Akane asked leaning over to talk to Karma. Karma glanced over at her.

"The colour of his face changes depending on his mood. green stripes meaning he's feeling cocky." He said.

"Well why..." Akane trailed off as the whole class stood up and pulled out many guns and pointed them at their teacher. Well everyone accept Karma who staid seated and Akane who was looking on at the situation in pure shock.

"Ready? Fire." Called Isogai and the whole class began to fire at the same time. Koro-sensei was un fazed by the thousands of BB bullets flying past his head and moved at march 20 speed to avoid them all. Akane watched in amazement as Koro-sensei began to call out the names of the students in the class. They all answered whilst firing and occasionally reloading their guns.

"Akane." Koro-sensei called out.

"Here." She replied over the loud noise. After a few minutes the noise stopped, Koro-sensei had finished taking the register ad he hadn't got a single scratch on him.

"That's all for now then class." He said. "I'll see you all later." He said as the door opened and a young woman with blonde hair, blue eyes and large breasts walked into the room. "Goodbye children." Said Koro-sensei leaving the room.

"Alright kids today were going to be looking at how to word a sentence to get even the toughest of opponents at your mercy. The first sentence you say when meeting someone new is crucial." She said already writing on the board. She wrote 'you look like you now how to handle yourself.' Akane wasn't so sure how that would help but she remembered from what she read that this was Irina Jelavić, a professional assassin, fluent in 10 different languages but also a master of seduction, even to the point that she wrote he own book on it. Apparently she had sent her to kill Koro-sensei too but failed because he had seen through her attempt to seduce him and completely embarrassed her. From that point on wards she had been given the nick name Bitch-sensei by the others students in her class. "This is a great opening sentence, it speaks volume and confidence. When seducing someone you can't waver, you have to be smooth, get them to trust you or you're never going to get them alone in a room with their pants down." She said. Akane started to feel uncomfortable. The way se was talking was insane, was she really going to teach high school kids this stuff? It seemed a little...eccentric. "Of course looks help a great deal too, only people that are naturally beautiful have any hope of being able to do tis kind of thing. Let's see..." She said looking around the class. "The girl at the back, stand up for a second." Akane did as she was told. "You're the new girl right? The one with the weird split personality thing?"

"Er, yeah I guess." She said.

"You're a perfect example of what I mean. You're more cute rather than sexy, if you played your cards right you cold get any man feeling the need to protect you. You could easily play on those primary instinct every man has. You also have the advantage of that no one would expect such a thing from you. You've got that cute innocent look that guys eat up like you wouldn't believe. Once you've got them were you want them it would be easy for you to stab them in the back, simple as that. Sometimes infiltration id much easier than charging into something head first but t's also just as dangerous. If things go tits up you're in the direct line of fire."

"I guess but we're training to be assassin's, I mean deaths an occupational hazard." Said Akane making the whole class laugh. Even Karma managed a smile.

"A smart little brat aren't you?" Said Bitch-sensei with a displeased face.

"Sorry Bitch-sensei."

"That's not my name. It's Jelavic."

"Bitch-sensei suits you better." Said Rio.

"Sit down and be quiet. Why do I have to teach such brats?" She said angrily as the class laughed. Akane took her seat and smiled, it felt good to laugh with her new classmates like that. She felt...happy, probably the first time she had felt like that since she woke up from that accident. She wondered if Chi had ever been happy? Truly happy pr if she was just a cold hearted assassin that did anything to get her mission done. She certainly seemed that way but with the little information she had of Chi's past she had the thought that maybe there was more than that to the character that slept with in her. Akane stopped smiling and frowned at the desk in silence as she thought about it. Who exactly are you Chi?..  

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