The one to kill the teacher

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Akane eyes opened and she was looking up at a white ceiling. Where was she? What happened? Then she had a flashback. Ryome was looming over her, the pain in her head, then everything went black. Chi...what had she done? Was anybody hurt? Akane immediately sat up.

"Wow there kid, lay back down." Said a male voice and a man in a suit was leant against the wall. He had black hair and black eyes, he was build well clearly a fighter. Akane did as she was told but turned so she could still look at him.

"Your Mr Karasuma right? The phys ed teacher." She said recognising him from the photos. The man nodded and Akane sighed. "Do you know what happened?" She asked him.

"Your other personality awoken, the one the class are calling Chi. I wasn't there but the general gist is that she attacked Ryome, used him to get close to the teacher and then cut of one of his tentacles." Akane sat back up.

"Are they both alright?"

"Lay back down." He instructed and Akane obeyed. "They're both fine. Afterwards she fainted, you've been out cold all afternoon."

"Missed half the day of the my first day of school huh? That kind of sucks."

"Listen kid you don't seen to be well enough to be here yet. Your still recovering from your injuries you should rest a little while longer before coming back."

"I can't. Father wants this done. He doesn't like me...he doesn't see me as his daughter...only Chi."

"So this is you trying to prove to him that your his daughter too?"

"I don't know. I don't know why I'm here. It's not like I can do anything, I'm so weak but I guess that I had to come. I had to come so Chi could kill him. I don't think that he expected me to do it, just Chi."

"Seems kind of cruel."

"I get the feeling that Father is a cruel man. I always get a chill down my spin when he is a round, like not even Chi would go against his word. I have a feeling that there something dark about him."

"Most assassin's are like that. Your Father more than most, he's known as the reaper am I right?"

"Yes that's him but it's not that that I'm referring too. There's something else...something that haunts Chi...something that she won't let me see."

"She won't let you?" He questioned.

"I have a theory that Chi and I can share memories but we have to let the other see. It might be un true but that's the way I think about it. I get flashes somethings, there always dark and scary but I know that their Chi's memories. They stop as suddenly as they start."

"She's hiding information back from you."    

"Yes but I guess it's understandable. Chi intends to kill me, I know that. I hear her sometimes in my head, she tells me that she will kill me."

"So she can communicate with you?"

"It seems that way, thought she doesn't do it often."

"If your okay too, you should go home. School ended half an hour ago." He said.

"Of course." Said Akane slowly sitting up. She bowed to Karasuma. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"Don't worry about it." He said with a small wave of his hand.

"Then I'll be going now." She said walking out of the door. Akane froze when she saw Karma leant against the wall just outside of the room she was just in. "Karma!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" 

"I came to give you this back." He said pulling out the anti-sensei knife from his pocket.

"Oh thank you." She said gingerly taking it. It wasn't a real knife but she still didn't like the way it felt in her hands. "So...did you hear?" She asked him.

"Hear what?" He asked with a smirk before turning on his heels and walking off. Akane ran to catch up with him putting her knife away.

"About what me and Mr. Karasuma were talking about?" She asked.

"Would it matter if I did?"

"Yeah it kind of would. I don't really want people knowing my Father's identify. It might...freaky them out."

"Probably would but I doubt it would come as much of a shock to them after what we saw today."

"Was she really that bad?"

"I don't think so but I'm not much to do on. She's was pretty smart I'll give her that but I think it's safe to assume that people will prefer you to stick around."

"I'll try. I guess that I kind of look bad now through right? I mean I said I would try and keep her under control but then...and Royme...does he hate me now?"

"Probably but I don't think theirs any one that guy actually likes, so don't take it personally."

"I still feel bad about it though."

"If you wanna keep Chi under control I suggest staying away from that guy. He's no good and he doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut."

"Right, thanks...for everything." She said nervously. She had thought that Karma would be insane like she was told he would be but he seemed nice. "So you changes your mind about me?"

"I can't say that I have but you've got me interested. Two have two different personalities as different as yours, it's strange to say the least. Chi's deadly she might have a good chance of getting the job done but I'm gonna be the one to kill him."

"You seem pretty confident about that."

"As if I'm gonna give up the chance of killing a teacher."

"You dislike them?"

"They're fakes, they just tell you whatever to try and control you and ever since the last one died I've been waiting for the chance to kill a teacher." He said with a insane look in his eyes. Akane felt a little scared at the look on his face, he looked crazy and murderous if she excluded Chi then yeah he might be the only one that's able to kill their teacher...

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