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PE was after lunch. Lunch was just like it was yesterday, people talked with Akane and she smiled and laughed with them. No one was even bothered about what happened yesterday or what Ryome had said during their chemistry lesson. Akane stood on the field just outside their run down classroom. Not everyone was out of the changing rooms yet but Akane had been in and our in a flash. She didn't feel comfortable getting changed in front of all the other girls and had left as soon as she could.

"Hey Akane are you sure your okay to do PE?" Asked Nagisa as he stood beside her in his own PE kit. He was always worried about her health. He had asked if she had felt alright that morning as well. Akane smiled.

"I'm sure I'll be fine thank you." She said with a nod. Kaede came running out of the changing rooms, along with a few others. She came running over to her, Nagisa and Karma who appeared next to Akane.

"Wow who knew Akane had such huge boobies." She said looking at her chest. Akane's face burst into a bright red colour and she brought her arms up to hide her chest.

"Don't look." She said closing her eyes.

"Why? You don't need to hide them." Said Kaede trying to pull Akane's arms back down.

"No." Said Akane still hiding them.

"Let me see, there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

"No Kaede it's too weird."

"Says the girl with a split personality."

"These two things are completely different. There no way they could compare." Said Akane trying to fight off Kaede. Karma and Nagisa simply watched the two in silence until Mr Karasuma called them.

"Alright kids line up." He instructed. Kaede finally let go off Akane and Akane relaxed a bit. Then she followed everyone and lined up next to Karma with Nagisa to her left and Kaede next to him. "Today we will be doing simple disarming of an opponent. One of you will have a knife and the other will not. Hiroto come here." He said as a blonde haired boy stepped forward. He was the class womaniser and also Isogai's best friend. "Take out your knife and charge towards me."

"If you say so." He said taking out his anti-sensei knife. He ran at Mr Karasuma but he was easily dodged and soon he was on the floor and his knife in Mr Karasuma's hand.

"Just a simple take down but it proves very effective in knife to combat. The theory is simple swipe,to the right with you hand to push the knife to the side, that way it can't do much damage even if it does find it's mark. When the knife is safely out of the way twist the wrist, you attack will instinctively drop the knife in order to stop his wrist from breaking. H head will also lower, slip the knife from his hand and then if needed your in the perfect position to elbow them in the face. It will stun them and give you time to either escape or prepare your next attack." He said handing the knife back to Hiroto who had gotten back up. "I'll partner you up." He said and then he started calling out names of people that were meant to be together. Akane ended up being paired with a guy she recognised as Tomohito Sugino an avid baseball player and considered to be Nagisa's best friend.

"Hey Akane, I don't think me and you have actually officially met yet."

"No I don't think we have." She said with a smile and the two shook hands.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you already know who I am." 

"Yeah I do." She said with a smile.

"Tomohito." Called Karma getting the two to look around. Yukiko was nervously walking behind him.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Me and you should swap partners."

"What? No way Mr Karasuma put me with Akane." He said.

"Yeah but let's be honest you're not gonna be able to handle here is Chi comes out to play. Oh. And did I mention that Yukiko's my partner?" He said and Tomohito's face became a little red.

"She is?"

"Yep and she's all yours. Just swap partners with me." He said taking Yukiko by the shoulders and giving her a gentle push in his direction.

" you mind Akane?" He asked with a red face. Akane smiled and giggled, there was no hiding that he had a crush in Yukiko but nearly every boy did and Akane could see why, she was beautiful and very lady like.

"Of course not." She said making Tomohito smile.

"Great well okay, I guess I'll be your partner not Yukiko." He said nervously.

"Okay." She said and the two walked off. Karma watched them leave silently with his hands in his pockets.

"So what's the deal with swapping partners?" Akane asked him as he took his knife from his pocket.

"Exactly what I told Tomohito. He can't handle Chi."

"And you think you can?"

"I know I can. You're talking to an expert when it comes to taking jerks down a level."

"So you're not at all afraid of her?"

"Takes more than a girl with red eyes to scare me and beside the whole reason I'm in E class is for violence."

"Yeah, I read about that." Karma flipped the knife over in his hands with great skill and then pointed it at Akane.

"Come and get it...if you can that is." Akane smiled nervously. There was no way she could beat Karma. Maybe with Tomohito she had a little chance but with way she could compare.

"Alright. I give it ago." She said standing on her tip toes. She thought back to what Mr Karasuma had done, he had performed the action so quickly that it was hard to keep up. The thought about what he said. It seemed easy enough but still Akane knew she was weak, not as skilled or as strong as Chi. For a moment Akane wondered what it was like to be Chi. To know that she held all that power, to be able to take down a guy that was ten times he size with ease. With that kind of power and skill it would be easy to be as cocky and confident as she is. Akane looked at Karma, she needed to focus. Just get that knife, that's all she needed to do. Akane ran at Karma and pushed his hand to the side just as Mr Karasuma had told them to do, Karma didn't even look fazed by it. Akane tried to twist his arm but it stayed exactly were it was, she wasn't strong enough. Karma grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled her into him. Akane blushed at she felt him pressed against her back.

"Not nearly quick enough." He whispered in her ear. Akane turned around and tripped over her own foot in her fluttered state.

"What is it with you and hugging?" She asked from the floor. Karma smirked and shrugged.

"I just think it's amusing to see you get all flustered like that." He said flipping the knife over in his hand. Akane stood back up.

"Well stop it, it distracting." She said making Karma raise his eyebrows at her.

"Good, I'm not gonna make your job easy you know? And neither will an opponent in a real battle."

"I never asked you to make it easy. I'll get that knife, one way of another..."

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