The mystery of Chi's past

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Karma followed Akane home, walking silently behind her in silence. Why did I just do that? Thought Akane to herself. This was bound to get awkward. She never invited anyone over and now she was inviting Karma of all people over. The guy that had purposely provoked her earlier in the day ad than had his ass kicked by Chi. Akane sighed to herself as she reached her front door.

"This is it." She said stopping outside it. Karma had his hands behind her back of his head as he walked. He stopped and looked at the house. It was pretty big and had four bedrooms, it was much too big for just Akane and her Father but she wasn't complaining. She like the space and she knew that some of the kids n her class were dirt poor with a larger family than her so she was grateful.

"It's pretty big." Said Karma. Akane opened the front door, not knowing what she was meant to say in response to his statement. She took her shoes of and went into the kitchen area. Karma took his shoes of too and began to look around the place. He noticed that there were no family pictures up, much like his own home. The back yard was a training group. There was a wooden pol in the middle with thousands of slash marks in it, clearly done by a sword. There were throwing knife laid out too and punching bags. This must have been were Chi's Father clearly trained her to become an assassin like him. 

"Here." Said Akane appearing beside him and holding out a juice box for him to take. "That's what you wanted right? You're always drinking them at school."

"I guess." He said taking it from her. Akane smiled and then went back tot he kitchen to prepare the pre made meal. This time though Karma followed her in. The kitchen was a little like a training ground too. There were small slits in the wall by the door were someone had clearly been using it for target practise with the sharp knives that were lined up in the kitchen. Then on the wall there was a large sword mounted on some hooks. It defiantly didn't look like a safe place to bring up a child even if they were training to became an assassin of the Father was on of the worlds most famous assassins. Akane put the meal into two bowls and grabbed some noodle sticks because they were having ramen. She handed the bowl to Karma and then went to sit down at the living room table. Karma silently sat opposite her, the two ate in silence. Akane didn't know what to say, she almost always ate alone so it was strange for her to have someone sat opposite her.

"Do you want anything else?" She asked him as she entered the kitchen with the empty bowls.

"No I'm good." Said Karma watching her. "I should probably get going." 

"'s really dark out there. It's not safe to be wondering around at this time of night by yourself."

"Are you worried?" He said with a smirk. Akane blushed and looked away from him. 

"Yeah...I guess I am. We have more than enough room could stay the night."

"Wow aren't you bold? Inviting me for dinner and letting me stay over." He smirked at her. Akane's blushed deepened and she waved her hands in front of her face.

"It's nothing weird." She said and then stopped looking at the floor again. "I just...don't want you to dislike me because of what Chi did." Then suddenly she felt a hand on top of her head and Karma placed his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes.

"I don't hate you but if I ever seen Chi again..." His face became darker. "I can't promise I won't d anything."

"O-okay." Akane stuttered as Karma backed away from her.

"So where am I sleeping." He asked returning back to his usual self.

"Oh right. this way." She said walking past him quickly. She walked down the hall pointing at different doors, telling him were. The bathroom was and the spare bedrooms.

"What about this one?" Karma said stopping outside a door that Akane hadn't mentioned.

"Oh that's Father's room. He doesn't like people to go in there."

"But I wanna see."

"You can't. Father will know of someone's been in his room, it's impossible to hide anything from him."

"For you maybe. Come on, you've got to be curious too. It's not everyday you get the chance to peek inside the private room of a world famous assassin."

" but you still can't..." She stopped when she saw Karma rummaging around in the supply closest and pulling out a broom. "What are you doing?"

"The doors boobytrapped and I don't fancy getting my face blown off." He said holding the base and slowly using the other end to slide the door open. Akane covered her face to stop the explosion, Karma just stayed calm and smiled as if he had done it a hundred times before. The dust settled and Karma leant to broom against the wall entering the room.

"Karma..." Akane called after him quietly but she was ignored. Akane stood in the doorway peering in not daring to step foot into the room inside the room itself. It was pretty bland actually. There were a few swords hanging from the walls and a punching bad in the corner, the bed was made without a single crease in it at all. Karma put his hands in his pockets. "See? There nothing here."

"If there was nothing here worth hiding her wouldn't have made that boobytrap." Said Karma bending down and looking at the floor. He ran a hand across it then stopped and smiled. He dug his hands into the floor and pulled up the floor board.

"Karma!" Exclaimed Akane.

"Relax it was already open slightly." He said relieving a small hole underneath it. He smirked at Akane. "You might want to come see this." Akane was tempered and then shook her head.

"Curiosity killed the fox." She said. Karma sighed and reached into the hole pulling out a picture.

"Maybe so but I thought you might want to see a photo of your own Mother." He said casually. Akane's eyes widened and before she should think about it she already found herself stepping into the room. She bent down next to Karma and he handed her the photo. Akane took it with slightly shaky hands. Her Mother was beautiful with long jet black hair, with a warm smile and blue eyes. Next to her was a small girl with black hair and red eyes. She was smiling up at the Mother.

"So that's Chi when she was doesn't look like she was always a cold blooded killer."

"There another one here." Said Karma handing her another photo. Akane took it and saw that it was Chi but in her own this time. Her hair was choppy and short, like it had been cut in a hurry.Her red eyes were cold and almost dead, like she had seen the end of the world but she only seemed to be about a year older than the smiling Chi that Akane saw stood next to her Mother.

"It all seemed to revolve around Mother's death. Chi is happy before and after...what exactly happened?"

"You mean you don't know?" Karma asked and Akane shook her head.

"I have a feeling that if Chi let's me I could see what happened but she doesn't let me. She protects the memory of Mother extra carefully. Whatever the memory is it was the thing that changed Chi from a smiling little girl to a killer."

"It's possible she saw it."

"Saw what?"

"The death of her Mother. Seeing something like that would defiantly change a person."

"Yeah I guess but where is Father? He's not here in either of these photos."

"It doesn't look like he was very involved with his family."

"I guess that's expected him being an assassin and all. At some point after the death of Mother, Father took control of Chi's life and began to train her to become an assassin."

"Did you ever think that maybe Chi wanted her Father to trainer to become an assassin? It might have been her plan to take revenge on the people that killed her Mother."

"Maybe but the way Father was so angry when I came home. He was so angry when the doctors explained what happened. He told me that I wasn't his daughter, that I was just a fake. That his daughter was stronger than that. He was...scary. I really don't know what happened in Chi's past but...I want to know."

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