Akane's other half

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The picture is Chi!

Akane sat with Nagisa and Kaede, they had kindly offered to sit with her at lunch. Not that Akane would have been alone if they didn't, she was really popular with everyone. Many had more questions about the split personality business. Akane answered them all as best she could but she didn't know a great deal about it herself.

"You know even if you and Chi aren't the same person, it's still pretty terrifying to think that there are professional assassin our age out there." Said Nagisa. Akane smiled nervously and ribbed the back of her head.

"Yeah I guess." She said.

"So like right now Chi's sleeping inside you?" Kaede asked.

"Something like that. It's hard to explain really, it's the closest I can come to explaining it." Said Akane as Karma came into the room with a juice box in his hands. He walked past the desk where the three were but stopped when Akane suddenly stood up and turned towards him. "I...um I think we got off on the wrong foot. I don't want you to see me as a killer even though I might be one. I promise not to hurt any of you and I will try my best to keep Chi under control. So please...can you and I be friends?" She said with a slightly red face.

"Friends? Why?" He said as everyone turned to watch. 

"Because...I want to be friends with everyone in this class. We're working towards the same goal right? It would be bad if we weren't friends."

"Just because we're working towards the same goal doesn't mean we should be friends but id you want to then fine I don't mind, but you might regret picking me as a friend."

"I don't think so. You're the strongest in the class, the only one to have actually hurt Koro-sensei so far. You're smart and strong, from the information I have been given about all of you, you seem to have the biggest chance of killing Koro-sensei. You would make a very powerful ally."

"For someone that claims not to be an assassin you sure do think like one." He pointed out.

"Maybe but I think that's it's more logical thinking."

"You guys don't actually believe that this girls a assassin do you? I mean look at her, she's pathetic. Bowing like that, apologising left right and centre, speaking as if she wants to be our friend." Said a boy with two others behind him. Ryoma Terasaka, the class bully and leader of his own small gang of thugs.

"Nobody asks for your opinion Ryoma." Said Rio clearly unimpressed.

"You don't need too." He said walking forward. Many moved out of the way as he approached Akane, everyone but Karma. Who stood his ground, un fazed by the bully approaching him. Ryoma tried to move around him but Karma move a little to the right to stop him.

"You sure you wanna do that? You might get hurt." He said with a sly smirk.

"As if that little pipsqueak can hurt me." He said moving around Karma and this time Karm didn't stop him. He only watched the bully approach Akane, Akane looked at Karma. Silently asking for his help but he did nothing. Was this a test? Maybe he didn't help any more purely because he wanted to see what she could do. Akane looked around at her new classmates, if this happened they might be in danger.

"Please don't do anything." She pleaded with him with eyes tearing up from panic and worry.

"These's no way someone like you can be an assassin. I'm not gonna be fouled like the other idiots here." He said grabbing the ruff of her shirt and pulled her face closer to his. "So what you gonna do?"

"Please stop, stop it or someone will get hurt." She said as a tear poured down her face. Ryoma smiled triumphantly and pushed her down. Akane fell backwards onto the ground and Ryoma turned to look at his classmates.

"What did I tell ya? A pathetic little girl nothing more." Akane looked up at her bully and then everything went hazy. She clutched at her head and cried out in pain, making everyone turned to look at her.

"No, no." Said Akane shaking her head still crying in pain. No one knew what to do, what exactly was happening? Why was she suddenly in so much pain? Then it suddenly stopped. Akane fell silently and she was looking down at the floor, her hair covering her face. No one moved or said anything. Very slowly Akane removed her hands from her face and still looking at the floor she stood up. All eyes were on her and she slowly lifted her head only looking at Ryome. Her eyes were now red instead of their green colour, they were cold and they sent chills down the spine of everyone in the room. Only Karma looked un fazed, he knew this would happen.

"So that's Chi." Said Kaede putting two and two together.

"Not so pathetic now am I? I honestly wish you could see you face, you look like a deer in the spot light. Stunned, stupid and seconds from death." Her voice was different two, it was cold and chilling.

"You wouldn't kill me." Ryome said but he wasn't as confident as he sounded.

"Wouldn't I?" Chi asked tilting her head to the side, smirking at him evilly.

"What have you done with Akane?" Asked Nagisa.

"Nothing, she's still alive just sleeping right now. You see when her life is threatened or she becomes injured it's up to me to save our ass. Not that I mind, I wouldn't want that idiot to have all the fun." Chi sighed like she was bored with the conversation. "Now I believe you were picking a fight so shall we start?" She asked looking at Ryome. "Or are you backing away with your tail in between your legs?" She said with a smirk.

"You..." Ryome said and then he charged at her but Chi stepped to the side at the last minute like it was nothing and Ryome went flying past her. Chi pulled out the anti-sensei knife from her holder.

"Kind of a shame these things can't kill humans too." She said like she was disappointed. "But I guess it's worth something. The human mind will still see this as a knife and..." She threw that knife towards Ryome who had to move quickly to dodge it and fell over in the process after only just getting up. "Still dodge it like a real knife." She said finishing her sentence. Ryome stood back up and glared at her. His face was one of rage as he charged at her again. At lightening speed Chi took off the school jacket she was wearing and wrapped it around his neck. She pulled on the arms tightening it and pulling it. She and Ryome went to the ground with Chi still tightening the jacket around his neck. Suddenly a yellow flash entered the classroom, Chi smiled and dropped the jacket. She then pulled put a second knife from her picket and sliced at Koro-sensei, chopping of one of his tentacles. It seemed like everything slowly down as the class realised what just happened.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up." Said Chi causally standing up. "You're just as fast as they said you were but your worry for your students will be your down fall. Pretty strange to think these things actually work though. Your biological make up must be pretty strange." She said flipping the knife over in her hands. "And to think you were caught out by a simply bluff. Throw one knife to make you think I now only have a gun and then whip out a second, I guess though the thought of one of your students dying stopped you think about that."

"You plan was certainly impressive and well thought out however." Said Koro-sensei as his face became red and veins began to stand out. "I will not have you use the life of another student in order to kill me."

"Of course not." Chi said with a sly smile and pointed the blade at Koro-sensei's head. "I'm handicapped at the moment, I have the problem of a weak idiot to deal with but once I've found a way to kill her then I'll have control of my own body again and when that happens you best start digging your grave."

"How will you kill Akane? She's part of you." Said Nagisa.

"No she isn't. She's a parasite I'll get rid of her. I will kill her, just you watch. I'll kill her because nothing un killable, everything has a weakness even the one you call 'un killable...' 

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