3: Hit The Road

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Kevin's POV

I shied away from the group, admiring the tall shelves stacked with beautiful artifacts. After spending a year living in China, I could tell what most of them were, what their back stories were, and was just flat out excited to see it all in person.

While I was gazing at the handcrafted boxes, I stumbled into a small wooden table. As I accidentally kicked the table, a piece of notebook paper fell off and flew under one of the shelves.

I got down on my hands and knees and peered under the shelf, hoping to see the piece of paper. It was nowhere to be found.

"It can't be that important." I thought, as I gave up looking for it. I rose to my feet and examined the table that I ran into. There was a small silver tray, piled high with what looked like little cake squares.

"Awe, that's cute." I said to myself as I reached out to try one. I was almost reluctant to grab it though. It had a strange green/blue frosting that almost seemed to be glowing. "That's a pretty color, and looks delicious. I'll grab some for the rest of the guys, they must be starving."

I filled my hands with five of the little cake squares and turned the corner to see Avi standing there, looking at some old books.

"Hey Avi, look, free samples." I said as I held out my hand for him to take one.

He reached for the pile of treats and took a small bite of the square. "Wow, these are amazing!" He bellowed, turning over the cake square. "The rest of the guys have got to try these!"

He grabbed my free hand and tugged me along and search of the trio.

Kirstie's POV

  The jewelry on these shelves were so beautiful. Some were so precious that they were placed in a glass case. I could feel my eyes growing wide as I turned in circles, everywhere around me there were gorgeous necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and anything else you could imagine.

One necklace especially caught my eye. I waltzed over to it to get a closer look. The beads were made from opal stones, each with a beautiful design carved into them. I was just about to reach for it for a closer look, when I heard a crunch beneath my boot.

I looked down to see that I had stepped on a small piece of notebook paper. I bent down to pick it up and notices there were some handwritten words on it.

Absolutely do not touch under any circumstances!

It must've belonged to the necklace I was observing. I willingly put the piece of paper onto the shelf next to the dazzling necklace and began to leave the aisle.


I screamed, not expecting anyone to be over here. I turned around and saw Avi approaching me.

"Jeez Avi, you almost gave me a heart attack!" I uttered, swatting him in the chest.

"Oh I'm sorry." He hung his head.

"I just really wanted you to try these amazing cake squares Kevin gave me." He said extending his arm towards me.

I looked in his giant hand to see a strange looking dessert. I then looked back at him. He raised his eyebrows and pushed his hand even closer to me.

"Yes sir, if you say so." I said jokingly and bit into the snack he so desperately wanted me to try.

I was prepared to be sympathetic for him, but it was actually pretty amazing. The sugar from the frosting danced on my tastebuds for what seemed like forever.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "Did Scott and Mitch try this?!"

He shook his head with a grin that spread from ear to ear. "No, but they're about to." He said as I chased after him to the front of the store.

                         *     *     *

   We found Scott and Mitch at the front counter purchasing some sort of wool blanket.

"Thanks for buying this for me Scott!" I heard Mitch say as he hugged Scott. "I am obsessed!"

I motioned for Avi to approach them.

"Hey guys." I called out to them. "You have got to try these little pastry-cakey type things Avi gave me." I said waving them over.

Avi walked over to them handing them each one of the last two cake squares. Mitch looked down at the square Avi handed him, then at me, then Avi.

"Honey, you know I'm on a gluten free diet." He whined. But I could see in his eyes that he really wanted to try it.

"Alright, one little bite couldn't hurt, right Scott?" He said turning to Scott.

"What?" Scott mumbled with a mouth full of cake. I guess that was a yes.

Mimicking Scott, Mitch shoved the entire cake square into his mouth. His face lit up with enlightenment as he licked his fingers clean.

"YAAASSSSSS!" He yelled. "That is the best thing I have tasted in a long time!"

Avi's POV

  I felt my phone vibrating in my side pocket. I dug around into my pocket until my hand latched onto my phone. I pressed answer and held the phone up to my ear.


"Hey Avi, the bus is good to go, you guys can head on over so we can hit the road." I heard my sister chant on the other line. 

"Alrighty." I chanted back and hung up the phone. I turned towards the group, who were making small conversation.

"Hey guys, the bus is ready to go!" I shouted to the group. And with that we all exited the shop, and headed down the road towards the bus.

AN: Thanks for reading, put any input in the comments beloooooooooww :)

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