4: Flawless

397 26 21

Avi's POV

   I restlessly turned over in my bunk and reached for my phone underneath my pillow. A simple press of a button revealed the time, 6:17 am, and that I had a missed call from a friend back home.

I groaned as I noticed the bus wasn't moving. Which meant we were probably at a rest stop, Genevieve needs her sleep too.

I would've thought we would be home by now. We weren't that far from home when we left Cedar City, and it was only 3:00 pm when we left. I couldn't really remember going to bed last night. As a matter of fact, I couldn't remember anything that happened yesterday after the bus was fixed. That left me with the thought that we must've drank some pretty hard liquor that night.

I scratched my chin and yawned, but noticed something strange. I put my hand back on my face, my beard was gone. Did I shave last night?

To test my theory, I reached down towards my legs and dragged my fingers along them. They too, were hairless.

"I must've been really drunk last night." I thought to myself, running my fingers through my hair, which strangely seemed thicker.

Now that I was awake, there was no way I was getting back to sleep. I decided to just take a shower and go grab some breakfast.

I managed to drag my fatigued body from my warm bunk. I shuddered as my feet hit the cold, metal floor. I felt like I was standing on ice. I looked around and noticed nobody else was awake, even Esther and Genevieve were nowhere to be seen. That meant I got to shower first.

I reached into my duffel bag and pulled out the first two garments of clothing I found, a hoodie and some track pants.

As I made my way towards the bathroom I began to feel a little unbalanced, like I was about to fall forward.

"I must have one heck of a hangover." I whispered, careful not to wake anyone.

As I approached the bathroom, I walked in and set my clothes on the bathroom counter. I shuffled towards the shower and turned on the hot water. I went to look in the mirror to see how bad my bed head was today, but the steam from the shower had fogged up the mirror.

I grabbed a towel from off the back of the door and began to wipe away the condensation. As I finished, I now had a clear picture of what I looked like in the mirror, and only one sound was able to come from my mouth...


I quickly covered my mouth, things would just be worse if I woke anyone up. I turned away from the mirror, and looked back again. Was what I was seeing true? I had to be dreaming! It must be the hangover!

No matter how many times I did a double take in the mirror, I kept seeing the same thing. A woman. Just standing there staring back at me. I lifted my arm. She did the same. I turned my shoulders. She did the same.

I knew I had to now do what I feared doing the most. I looked down at the collar of my shirt and pulled it back just enough for me to see my chest. My eyes must've widened to the size of saucers.

"This is not happening, THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!" I shouted to myself. What could possibly be going wrong? I don't do drugs, I don't smoke. That meant this had to be a dream. I quickly left the bathroom and headed back to my bunk, hoping I could get back to sleep and wake up normal.

As I was on my way to my bunk, I heard Kevin snoring. I had to talk to him. Maybe he knew what happened last night.

"Kevin? Kevin?" I slightly pulled back the curtain to his bunk to see that he was sleeping with the blanket over his head. I reached to pull down the blanket, and completely fell backwards at what I saw.

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