6: Run To Me

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Kirstie's POV

I had forgotten how clumsy Scott was until he had fallen onto the floor and woke me up. Even though his body was much slimmer now, the sound of impact he made sounded like he was 300 pounds. I sat up and went to sweep my hair towards my left shoulder, but when I tried, my hand passed through blank space. I had apparently also forgotten that my hair was 3 inches long.

I turned to see that I had fallen asleep on Avi's shoulder and kind of left a little pile of drool. Gross. I took the bottom of my shirt and tried to wipe it off the best I could. I looked up in time to see Scott and Mitch stepping off the bus. Was Esther really going to let them leave looking like that?

As I finished wiping the drool off of Avi's shoulder, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

My face turned pink. "Ummmmm, ya know, just wiping a little something off of your shoulder."

He gave me a confused look, but then smiled realizing what I just said.

"You drooled on me didn't you?" He said as he laughed. I'm pretty sure my face was a bright red by then, but it was pretty funny, so I laughed along with him.

The bus came to a halt and Jenevieve called out to me. "Kirstie, this is you!"
I sighed and smiled back at Avi.

"How am I gonna be able to sleep at night knowing there is hair growing under my arms?" I said to Avi with a laugh. He laughed again and hugged me. His hair smelled like honey and roses. He then whispered in my ear.

"How am I going to sleep at night knowing a have two pound weights hanging from my chest?"


I waved goodbye one last time before stepping off of the bus. Esther had told me not to go out in public or announce to anyone who I really was. I kept thinking about how this was going to all work out as I unlocked the door to my house.

Avi's POV

As the bus pulled away from Kirstie's house, whether she was a boy or girl, I already missed her.

Kevin and I were the last two on the bus on our way to our apartment. As we got closer, I went to my bunk to collect my bags and electronics. I turned my head slightly to the left and saw Kevin approaching me.

"Hey bro, this may be a weird question, but, do you happen to have any chocolate laying around. I've been craving it a lot lately. It's weird." He said as he ran his fingers through his hair. Which was pretty unordinary since he didn't have much hair before. Well, actually, all of this was unordinary.

I shook my head as I came back from zoning out. "Yea bro, I got you." I said as I reached into my bunk.

I know I'm supposed to be on a diet and all that to stay healthy and keep my voice intact, but I can never resist to hide a few candy bars under my pillow.

I hand him one and he scarfs it down faster than I can even get the wrapper off of mine. I stared at him in disbelief.

"I know you love food and all, but, are you alright?" I said, motioning towards his empty candy wrapper.

He looked at me with a wide-eyed expression on his face. "Dude, you have no idea."

* * *

Kevin tried to get to the door of our apartment as fast as he could. It was pretty cold outside and he absolutely hated it. I didn't mind, I actually really love the cold.

A strong gust of wind flew past us. I inhaled the sweet smelling fall breeze, But was cut short of Kevin screaming at me to hurry up. He was wrapped up in his coat shivering, for I had the key to the apartment.

Once we were inside Kevin immediately ran for the couch and plopped down. He threw a large blanket over himself and glared at me.

"Why do you always do that?"  He frowned.

"Do what?" I said with an innocent smirk on my face.

"You know I hate the cold, yet you take your dear old time getting to the door just to torture me."

I then leaned in really close to his face and whispered, "Because torturing you is fun."

He then proceeded to gently shove me, (and being as unbalanced as I am), causing me to fall into the recliner behind me. This is what usually goes down when we arrive at home, and it usually always results in someone falling. Specifically me.

Kevin regained his focus. "So this whole 'not going out in public' thing is pretty serious huh?"

Realizing the question was intended for me, I answered. "Yeah, we wouldn't want anyone seeing us like this. People would go insane. We might even start a riot."

He nodded his head and looked down. A few seconds later he looked back up at me.

"Does that also include getting food?"

"Not if it's take out!" We both raced to the phone in the kitchen and begun to spend a good fifteen minutes arguing about what to get to eat.

Mitch's POV

Scott and I were relaxing on the couch watching one of our favorite episodes of SpongeBob. We had ordered in a pizza because of Esther's rule.

When I went to reach for the last slice of pizza, I noticed it was missing.

"C'mon Scott, you've already had five pieces, why'd you have to take the last one?" I whined.

He shrugged his shoulders. "It wasn't me."

"Really? Who else would've taken a whole slice of pizza out of the box?"

At that exact moment, I heard a subtle purr come from behind the couch. I sat up and craned my neck to see Wyatt sitting on the floor with a slice of pizza in his mouth.

"Wyatt Blue Grassi-Hoying!!" I scolded. "You do not steal daddy's food!"

I stood up and went to reach for the pizza when he hissed at me.

I pulled back. "Why is he hissing at me? he never does that." I looked back at Scott.

"Maybe he doesn't recognize you, because, ya know."

I gasped. "My baby doesn't recognize me?"

I didn't think this situation was too serious at first, but this was where I drew the line. I could not live my life without my only child, Wyatt.

I abruptly turned to Scott and slowly said, "We have got to get back to our original selves!"

AN: Hey guys, welp, again thanks for reading! I know it's probably hard to identify their genders right now so just to let you know...they have switched genders, but I am still using the pronouns of their original gender. Just wanted to clear up the confusion. If you have any input please put it in the comments belooooooooooooww :)

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