14: Step By Step

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Kevin's POV
For some strange reason Mitch started freaking out and fumbled for his phone in his lap. The only thing the rest of us could do was watch and wonder as he frantically dialed the phone.

(Phone conversation)

Hello, this is Antique Emporium, Caitlyn speaking.

Hi Caitlyn, my name is Mitch Grassi, I don't know if you remember me from a week ago.

Oh yeah! You were the self-proclaimed boy princess with his gender swapped friends!

Umm, sure yea that was me.

What can I do for you?

Could you search for any quilts sold within the past month.

Sure, let me just put you on hold.

"Mitch, what are you doing." I whispered to him as classic elevator music blasted through the speaker of the phone.

"Hush Kurvy." He spat back, silencing me with his finger.

Umm we've sold a few, but there was one that went missing that wasn't for sale.

O-okay. C-could you give me a description of what it looked like? Mitch looked like he was about to throw up.

It had pink and orange squares with a white diamond in the middle and designs all over it.

Mitch went silent. Nobody knew why, but I could see we were all eager to find out, because we formed a small circle that increasingly closed in on Mitch.

W-why wasn't it for sale?

My grandfather said something about it being "problematic" or something like that.

She paused. Probably realizing why Mitch was asking.

Do you have it?

Yes, I-I believe so.

You don't think that it could've-

I do...

The young girl then seemed to pick up a worried tone.

I'm so sorry. My grandfather probably sold it to you on accident.

How do we fix this?!

I don't know. I'm so sorry

(Phone call over)

Mitch slammed his phone down in frustration, causing the screen to shatter and slice his hand. He merely ignored it and lowered his head, a single tear sliding down his face. Scott ran to the kitchen to get a rag and some alcohol for his hand.

"What the hell just happened!?" Esther yelled, thoroughly confused. Everyone turned and looked at me as if I had the answer.

I turned to Mitch and put my hand on his back. "Hey girl, what was that all about?"

"The quilt."

"What, I can't hear you." I said getting closer to him.

"The quilt, the quilt is what caused all of this. She said it herself." More tears dripped down his pink cheeks.

"That doesn't make any sense." Avi butted in. "How could the quilt cause this."

"We bought...I bought...a faulty quilt from a creepy old antique shop. I think that's enough explanation on it's own."

Scott came running back into the dining room with medical supplies for Mitch's hand. He reached for Mitch but he pulled away. Mitch grabbed the quilt from beside him and balled it up in both of his hands, coating it in his blood. Out of pure rage he hurled it at the wall, knocking down a photo of Esther and Darien at their wedding.

Kirstie ran to his side. "Mitch there's now way this was the cause."

"'C'mon Kirstie don't you remember. The first night on the bus after we went to that stupid shop. I was so excited about the amazing quilt that I suggested we all cuddle up under it and watch a movie."

"Oh yea, you all watched The Avengers 2." Esther pointed out.

In the time that Mitch was distracted, Scott managed to wrap up his hand before his dripping blood stained any more of Esther's carpet.

"So what did she say about turning us back? Now that we know what caused it, we should be able to fix it right?" I asked eagerly.

Mitch just looked at the floor and shook his head. "It's all my fault. I'm sorry guys. I was the one who persuaded Scott to buy it for me and I was also the one who suggested the movie night."

Scott wrapped his arms around Mitch.

"Shh, don't worry we'll figure something out." Scott consoled.

"The show is tomorrow Scott." Mitch wept. "When will we fix it?"


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