19: Take Us Home (Part 2)

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Kevin's POV

I've seen a hummingbird fly. Forwards, backwards, up, and down in the blink of an eye. Their iridescent wings flapping at nearly 80 miles an hour. The speed of their humming wings now simulated the rapid pulsating of my heart.

iPhone flashlights, lighters, and spotlights blinded me as our introduction song came to an end. I felt like I was having a heart attack, I wanted to collapse. I forced my head to turn 90 degrees to look at my band mates. Mitch looked like...like the normal Mitch. Not that anything about Mitch is very normal. And so did Scott, what was happening?

"Alright y'all, we're going to take a quick water break and we'll be right back." Scott announced.

I silently thanked him for thinking fast and saving us from this situation. I hurriedly exited the stage without even thinking twice as the curtain dropped behind us.

The screaming fans dialed down a small amount, but still eagerly waited for our return. I cleared the stairs to the stage and patiently awaited everyone else to follow. Down came Mitch and Scott, but Kirstie and Avi were no where to be seen.

Scott noticed this immediately. "Kirst, Av, are you guys alright?"

A few seconds passed with no response before Avi came bolting towards the stairs with Kirstie on his back. His face was red and he was panting like crazy. The look on his face told me this was no innocent game of piggy back.

Mitch's POV

"There's something wrong with Kirstie!!" Avi shouted as he made his way down the stairs.

Like me, he too, was back to normal. His wavy strands of hair were stuck to his face with sweat as he eased Kirstie off of his back and onto the floor.

"She passed out as the curtains went down. I don't know what happened." Avi spoke so quickly it didn't sound like English.

Kirstie's face was very pale and cold. Half of the hair on her head went past her shoulder, while the other half was still extremely short. Her torso was thin, but her legs were still very muscular.

"I-it's like she didn't change all the way or something." Kevin uttered.

I settled my head on top of her chest and listened carefully.

"She's still breathing."

"Go grab some water." Avi yelled at Scott.

Scott came running back with a bottle of water from the table full of snacks on the other side of the room. Avi took it as soon as it reached him and unscrewed the cap.

He elevated Kirstie slightly with his leg and tilted her head back. Gently, he poured small amounts of water into her mouth. As if it was magic, the left half of her hair slowly began to grow, inching along to reach the same length as the right side. Her body began to proportion itself out ever so slowly. The water was working, but it wasn't going fast enough for me.

"Oh for pete's sake give me the bottle." I shouted, snatching it from Avi's hand. "We have to be back on the stage in five minutes, this is gonna take forever. Just do this."

And with that, I held the spout of the bottle in point blank range of Kirstie's face and squeezed the sides with all of my strength. Kirstie shot up like a bullet at the sensation of the water. At the speed of light she went completely back to her original self.

"What the heck Mitch?!" She snapped at me. I knew she wasn't angry though.

"You're welcome." I smirked, handing her the water bottle.

She giggled, which made the room 100% brighter. I looked around at all of us. I don't know how or why it happened, but we were ourselves. I don't care if it was by chance or supposed to happen that way, I was happy to be me.

I was about to say something majorly emotional or inspirational or something like that, but was caught completely off guard when Avi grabbed Kirstie by the waist, spun her around, and kissed her. Like, really kissed her.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." He gasped as he released his grip.

The rest of us were in complete shock. I could feel my jaw on the floor.

"Well that just happened." Kevin managed to get out.

While the silence was broken, Scott made sure to exert his thoughts.

"Yaaassssss, Kavi! You guys are so cute together I love it!"

Scott's POV

"Yaaassssss, Kavi! You guys are so cute together, I love it!"

I had been waiting for those two to hook up since the day we met. Sometimes even scheming to get them alone together. This has made my day.

Kirstie giggled again. "Never mind that, what do you guys think caused us to change back?"

Everyone just shrugged and looked around.

"Well." Kevin spoke up. "I have a theory. We started, er, changing when we started singing On My Way Home right?"

Everyone nodded.

"Well maybe it was the impact of acceptance and moving forward that caused us to shift back. Before, we did not want to accept what we had become. We wanted to change back so badly. But just now, we finally moved past and and continued to do what we love. And that is what probably caused it."

There was a long pause. Everyone was dumbfounded by Kevin's long and complicated theory. He was always making us feel stupid with his big words and fancy talk.

"I wanted dragons and lasers, not a life lesson." Avi whined.

We all broke into laughter and then joined together in one of our famous group hugs.

"Umm, I don't mean to interrupt, but you guys are needed back on stage." One of the technical producers said as we broke from our hug.

"Well, what are we waiting for? We've got a show to put on!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. It felt so good to say that.

Oh take me there?

Won't you take me there?

Won't you take me...home?

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