Many Beginnings

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I roll over on my side and slightly grin at myself. Today was the big day and I sure as hell wasn't going to be be waking up late.

"Mama can I please sleep just for a little while?" I complain, but only for her sake. I know how she feels about her last baby leaving the nest.

"Sure baby, I've made a breakfast for you to eat once you get up."

A kiss is placed upon my cheek and as soon as I hear her close the door, I shoot up out of the covers and grab my phone.

I dial my best friends number while grinning.


"Don't hello me! Girl are you up?" I can hardly hide my excitement in my voice.

"Ariana, duh I've been woke for this day since I found out I was accepted" I hear her laughter through the phone and smile at myself.

"Yeah, me too." I sigh and bite my lip because of joy.

"Can you believe we're doing this? Going to college and not only that but together"

She was right through all the memories. After what seemed like eternity, I finally got my life together and applied for college. Only to UGA though, I was a small town girl and going out of state wouldn't have been the best option for me.

"Really though, I would've never thought it would be like this Dom.."

"Yeah" she chuckles, "Stop acting like you're going to war, we literally are only going 3 hours away! But I'll talk to you later, I'm gonna go get ready."

"Okay, bye boo"

Hopping out of the shower, I quickly wrap my towel around my body and dry myself off, throwing on a simple black tank top and sweats.

I make my way downstairs and squint as the sunlight from the Windows hit me in the kitchen.

"Hey mama, can you make me a plate?" I gently smile at her.

"and so now you handicap?"

I looked across the counter to find my brother sitting on a stool, rolling my eyes at him I made sure I was quick to respond.

"and so now you wanna be nosy?"

"Hey, your sister is leaving today be nice." My mom glared at him.

"Oh nah ma it's cool! Chris knows he will be crying later on tonight."

I mock his crying and he throws a napkin at me, that I dodge. He pokes his tongue out at me and greets daddy as he walks in the kitchen.

"Hey baby girl."

I turn around and spot my dad grinning with his arms open.

"Hey daddy" I pull him into a tight hug.

I remember all the times I ran into his arms, and to think that today is the last time in some while I will, almost makes tears spring to my eyes.

"Okay daddy, you can let me go now"

I tug away from him, holding my tears back.

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