Part One: You and I

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Ariana POV
I had no clue about where we were going or if I was going to even see my friends or family again. The scenery outside the window seemed more intriguing than the music being played on the radio or even the view I had of the side of Lucas's face.

"You want me to change the song?" I made eye contact with Lucas through the rear view mirror. None of us spoke in these few minutes which felt like an hour. I said nothing, turning my head to look out the window.

"Answer me." At this time he turned around and looked at me, "where are we going." My voice cracked as he turned back around towards the road. "I said do you want me to change the damn song?" He ignored my questioning and to escape further interacting I replied with a simple, "no."

After taking a few turns we ended up in a neighborhood but the houses looked rich in quality, big like mansions and the house we pulled up to had a gate that automatically opened once we come onto it.

After parking the car Lucas got out and came to my side, out of instinct I leaned over to the left seat to avoid him.

"Don't even try it, come on. Get out now" he didn't reach for me, instead he motioned his finger for me to come quickly. He didn't have to tell me twice, I had already saw what he was packing. "What's here?" I stumbled out the vehicle.

"My house." His steps were faster then mine and I nearly had to run to keep up. Unlocking the door I was met with a spacious house. No furniture anywhere or any pictures. I must have paused for a time because he also stopped in his tracks. "Come here"

I followed him reluctantly into the also empty kitchen. He opened the fridge which was ironically stacked with multiple things. Pulling out a water bottle and twisting the cap off he set the water in front of me and looked at me.

"Drink the water." I looked at him as well and pushed the water away from me, "I'm not thirsty." He sighed and did a menacing chuckles, "you still stubborn even after tonight, drink the fućking water."

"I'm not afraid anymore. If you wanted to kill me you would've done it by now. You even said so your self. So you can stop with the bossing shít." He lifted his shirt and placed the gun in front of me. My poker face almost gave when I saw it, who was I kidding I was scared.

"I won't kill you but don't think I won't hurt you. Watch that shít." He grabbed two stools and placed them on both sides of the kitchens island.

"Sorry about what happened tonight, I get mad, angry sometimes. My temper bad as hell and should've never put my hands on you. I didn't mean any of what I said."

I couldn't say I believed him, Devon was right about everything and I should've listened to him about it. I could've avoided all of this trouble. If he lied about the tiny things he could lie about anything.

"Why?" I looked at him in the eyes. "Why do you sell drugs?"

"It makes a living. Pays good and has good benefits. I don't have a real family, it's just me and if that's how I gotta get bread then that's what a real one gonna do."

I had once again put myself in the wrong position. "Why did you bring me here?" I place my head in my hands. "I won't tell anyone about tonight."

"I know you won't. I had to make sure, all I do is strictly business and I don't want my money fuckèd with." He took a lighter out and started to roll in front of me.

I looked away and rolled my eyes. "What did you say to Dominique?"

"Don't worry, I told her you wanted to come with me for tonight. So tell her what you want." He sparks the lighter and puts it to his lips.

"You ever smoked?" He smirks and puffs out smoke into the air between us. "No..." He holds my arm to the counter as I begin to get up, "well let's try it together." I look at him, "no I'm fine."

His grip tightens, "I didn't really ask." He hands the blunt to me and I have no choice but to take a puff. Immediately after I start to breath in, I start to choke and he laughs at it.

I grab my chest, "strong huh? It's the good kind. I package it myself" Lucas proudly states himself and gets up. "Now, let's go upstairs."

I lag behind and he drags me behind him, I'm unwillingly going up the stairs. "I'm really trying to be nice. Get the fuçk up here."

We turn the corner and I come up on his king size bed, I can only imagine what type of females he has brought into here. "You can sleep here, I got a change of clothes if you want em."

I shrug and sit on the edge of the bed, "Lucas."

He takes his shirt off and looks over at me, only answering by shaking his head. "I have class tomorrow..." He takes his chains off and placed them on his dresser. "I know, I'm taking you back tomorrow."

I have no choice but to kick my shoes off and sit on the bed. I wouldn't want to make him mad again. He pulls the covers back and gets into them. "Night"

Minutes pass by and I consider leaving the house, but there's no use i have no clue where I am or even where my belongings are and if he found out I'm sure i would have harsh consequences. Besides he stated he knew my family, I could never risk it.

Even if I tried to fight it, my eyes became heavy and I wanted to sleep so bad but truly I had no clue what trick Lucas had up his sleeve.
A little something! I had to feel you in because of the late update. So tell me in the comments, do you think Lucas could change?

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